Unable to disable Compatibility Telemetry in Windows 10



Methods Failed to disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry:

Method 1: Use O&O ShutUp10 Used latest version released on 7-Mar-'17

Method 2 (CMD commands) mentioned here :

sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Method 3 (Disable appraiser) mentioned here : Disable the Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser task in Task Scheduler under \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience.

Method 4 (Disable all tasks under \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience) mentioned here : Disabled all tasks (Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser, ProgramDataUpdater, StartupAppTask) under \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience.

Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is known for its high disk and CPU usage and suspicious anti-privacy activities.

I've used the previous methods to disable it but all of them failed to disable it, as it returns to run again.

Task Manager

Moreover, weird activity was detected via Process Monitor where Compatibility Telemetry is trying to write files to my antivirus location. Screenshot: enter image description here


Posted 2017-03-13T17:24:59.410

Reputation: 909

What makes you think it doesn't work? – DavidPostill – 2017-03-13T17:50:33.540

It returns showing up in Task Manager – Omar – 2017-03-13T17:53:03.060

.Smart quotes “” are invalid in batch files – DavidPostill – 2017-03-13T17:54:39.953

I haven't run them as smart quotes, I ran them directly from CMD window as "". – Omar – 2017-03-13T17:59:06.190


disable the Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser task in task scheduler: https://superuser.com/a/1069212/174557

– magicandre1981 – 2017-03-14T15:49:29.797

@magicandre1981 I tried it and Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry returned to work. – Omar – 2017-03-14T20:56:27.913

disable all the Compatibility tasks in task scheduler – magicandre1981 – 2017-03-15T17:25:49.543

@magicandre1981 What are they or where are they located in task scheduler? – Omar – 2017-03-15T17:32:34.590

1disable all tasks under Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience – magicandre1981 – 2017-03-20T16:56:28.357

@magicandre1981 I've tried it and Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry returned to work. – Omar – 2017-03-29T17:40:26.263

also delete the tasks if disabling doesn't stop them – magicandre1981 – 2017-03-30T15:47:44.620


Do you run automatic windows update? It seems that on my computer it came back at the same time I did the Windows 10 Creator Update. Maybe it overwrites previous settings. Since re-disabling it, it didn't showed up again yet. I follow the Windows10Club page to do that. http://www.thewindowsclub.com/windows-10-telemetry

– Flox – 2017-04-26T07:25:24.757

Same here :( did you find a solution? – Paul – 2017-05-30T14:12:43.673

Ok. I have an idea. Right click and show command line. If it isn't what it should be for the program, you may have a virus. – var firstName – 2017-06-29T19:38:50.590

1I confirm that none of the potential solutions mentioned here works since Creator's Update. I'm contemplating writing a small tool that will monitor the list of running processes and just terminate this annoyance. – Violet Giraffe – 2017-09-18T18:53:43.657

I want to point out that use of CreateFile function doesn't necessarily imply write operation. If OP will be analyzing program activity in the future using e.g. Procmon, it is good to know that CreateFile can be used for reading too. Key point is Desired Access column, which OP hid in the screenshot. Looking few lines down, we see use of ReadFile, which probably used file handle obtained from CreateFile function. Further reading in this MSDN article

– Kitet – 2017-11-17T00:39:56.903



I had similar problem in my laptop, the telemetry consumes all disk IOs after I install anything new or updates. Making it unusable for a few hours.

Here how I solved:

  1. Make sure the telemetry is not running (you can stop it from the task manager)

  2. Open your %windir%\system32\

  3. Find the trouble maker CompatTelRunner.exe

  4. Gain ownership on the file (Properties -> security tab -> advanced -> owner change, set yourself as owner)

  5. Add permission to modify for the users (select "users" -> edit -> basic permissions-> check modify -> ok)

  6. Click ok again

  7. Rename the CompatTelRunner.exe to CompatTelRunner.exe.bak for example

The telemetry will not run any more. until you restore the windows or a major windows update.

PS:This solution might generate some error log entries.Because windows will still trying to run it.


Posted 2017-03-13T17:24:59.410

Reputation: 141

It's not that easy to change the access rights on a TrustedInstaller owned binary, unfortunately. Also, strangely enough, when I tried running a third party Explorer clone (because explorer.exe is hard coded to never start as TrustedInstaller / Administrator) CompatTelRunner was no longer listed in C:\Windows\System32! It didn't show up in cmd either. I wasn't able to find a way to rename CompatTelRunner. – jrh – 2019-07-11T19:20:04.223

Are you a local admin in your machine? @jrh – Alexrgs – 2019-08-07T21:55:44.290

Yes I am a local admin – jrh – 2019-08-08T02:57:51.797