Adding custom metadata to pdfs


I'm currently trying to organize my files and one thing that would be useful is adding metadata to all my pdfs (to other document types would be useful too) so I can search through them easily. But the title and author tags aren't quite enough. Is there any way to add custom tags like subtitle, edition, volume, original publication date, etc to pdf files? Bonus points if it also works on djvu files.

Forgot to mention: I'm running Linux Mint and so can't run Adobe Reader/ Acrobat (... well I suppose I could with Wine but I'd prefer a native solution).


Posted 2017-02-17T16:24:28.643

Reputation: 23



In adobe for example you should be able to go into File -> Properties -> Custom and add the tags you would like. I do not know if it works for djvu files though.

Edit for Linux: Master PDF Editor should be able to do it. I see here in Document Properties you can specify keywords of your own that correspond to information in the file.


Posted 2017-02-17T16:24:28.643

Reputation: 309

See the edit to my question. – user698720 – 2017-02-17T16:33:29.273

Updated my answer – Pythonic – 2017-02-17T16:40:24.887