Simulate two root windows on single monitor with use of RANDR extension


This question might seen similar to Emulating extra displays but it's different in the important detail.

Suppose I'd like to test a feature for certain window manager with multi monitor support using RANDR extension. Seems like it is impossible to achieve this using Xrandr/Xdmx. I've tried different combinations with +extension RANDR and +xinerama parameters both to Xrandr and Xdmx but without luck so far. Also, I didn't find any clue in man pages for both commands.

My simple case is:

Xephyr -screen 800x800+0+0 -ac :1 & sleep 1 Xephyr -screen 800x800+800+0 -ac :2 & sleep 1 Xdmx +extension RANDR -xinput local -display :1 -display :2 -ac :3 & sleep 1 DISPLAY=:3 window-manager

I've also tried to simply use only Xephyr:

Xephyr +extension RANDR -screen 800x800+0+0 -screen 800x800+800+0 -ac :3 & sleep 1 DISPLAY=:3 window-manager

but obviously it creates two separate X screens, so the root window is not shared between the screens.

Is there any other way for getting xrandr to report two available outputs with my case?


Posted 2017-02-16T16:22:27.933

Reputation: 61

You have tried +xinerama and +extension RANDR together? Obviously you need both. If that doesn't work, I'd look at the source and figure out why it doesn't work. – dirkt – 2017-02-17T07:59:47.860

I've tried all of the combination. It is always possibility, that common root window for separate screens simply doesn't work or is not possible with Xrandr/Xdmx for providing more than one RANDR output. – gryf – 2017-02-18T16:57:41.313

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