Mac Bonjour sevice listing no local services


My Mac (OSX 10.12.3) cannot find local Bonjour (mdns) services - e.g. local Mac computers, Apple TVs etc.

When using "Bonjour Browser" ( I can see:

  • Services from an iCloud space (962?????
  • No services from the "local" space.

Using Wireshark I can see mdns packets arriving at en0 interface (wifi), so the local mdns data is being received, but for some reason the mDNSResponder is not capturing it and making it locally available.

(Note: my iPhone on the same wifi network can see local services.)

Any ideas on where/how to start resolving this problem?

(UPDATE: 2 Feb) After more digging, I've enabled mdnsResponder logging and found the following when attempting to resolve .local addresses:

2017-02-02 11:54:10.364202+0000 localhost mDNSResponder[6047]: [] setsockopt - IP_MULTICAST_IF error -1 errno 9 (Bad file descriptor) 2017-02-02 11:54:10.364405+0000 localhost mDNSResponder[6047]: [] setsockopt - IPV6_MULTICAST_IF error -1 errno 0 (Undefined error: 0)

I don't see this on other (working) Macs when attempting to resolve a .local address.

Frank Taylor

Posted 2017-01-30T15:38:33.303

Reputation: 1

Does rebooting make a difference? – Spiff – 2017-01-31T06:04:56.710

No. This problem has been with me for several months. – Frank Taylor – 2017-01-31T17:39:02.687

If you ping (the "all hosts" multicast address) from another host on the network, does your Mac reply? (Make sure you haven't set your personal firewall to block pings before you test this) – Spiff – 2017-01-31T17:46:10.323

Yes. I can see on Wireshark on the Mac that the ping comes in and the reply is sent back. However I also see an ICMP from indicating "Destination unreachable (Communication Administratively Filtered)". This is a clue. – Frank Taylor – 2017-02-01T13:42:43.330

Is the Mac running VPN software? Some full tunnel VPN products force all traffic to obey VPN rules, and can even block things like AirDrop and AirPlay. – Spiff – 2017-02-01T15:30:52.080

Thanks for following up. Yes I do run a VPN, but i get the failure when the VPN is connected and also when its not connected. I even get the failure when the machine is fresh booted and before I've connected to the VPN.

The 10.X.X.X is an internal address normally accessed over the VPN. However I see Destination Unreachable ICMPs from even when the VPN is not connected.

I wonder if the VPN has configured something on my Mac which it has not tidied up. It is the Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect.

No idea where to look next. – Frank Taylor – 2017-02-01T15:54:43.783

Further update. When at home, pinging from another machine seems to work correctly. I see the ping request/reply on the Mac and no ICMPs indicating delivery failures. However Bonjour is still not listing any local services. – Frank Taylor – 2017-02-02T11:56:02.643



I think I've found the problem.

Some time ago I installed TunnelBear to try it out. Used it once, then promptly forgot about it.

Yesterday I removed TunnelBear (clearing the trash too) and after a reboot my Bonjour (mdns) is now showing the local services. The IP_MULTICAST_IF errors are no longer showing in the system logs.

Frank Taylor

Posted 2017-01-30T15:38:33.303

Reputation: 1

Unfortunately, coming back to the machine a few days later and the problem has returned. Looks like it was not removing Tunnelbear that solved the problem. – Frank Taylor – 2017-02-12T15:05:17.237