What's a good OS to put on an old laptop with 1.2Ghz Celeron and 256mb of RAM?


Possible Duplicate:
What is the lightest-weight Linux distribution?

I just thought I would see what people thought. I can put XP SP3 on it, and it will run ok - but if there's a linux distro that would run better then I'm all for it. I tried Xubuntu but XP actually runs better, so it would need to be something lighter weight than that!


Posted 2010-03-07T19:39:12.430

Reputation: 153

Question was closed 2010-03-08T08:00:08.320



Any one of these 10 of lightweight Linux distributions should do.

My suggestion is that you try a couple with Live CD's before you choose to install one on the computer.


Posted 2010-03-07T19:39:12.430

Reputation: 31 337

Thanks! I'm going to try Puppy Linux - looks like there are more than a few people who like it. – Eric – 2010-03-07T20:01:10.493


Windows 2000 :-) but seriously... Check out Damn Small Linux, it'll run like a monster on that machine.

If you still have Xubuntu installed, first try installing and switching to LXDE. It is very lightweight and quite easy to use.


Posted 2010-03-07T19:39:12.430

Reputation: 7 943



Posted 2010-03-07T19:39:12.430

Reputation: 4 399