Is there a way to make Putty use the standard copy/paste keys


It's ridiculous Putty has always used a non-standard way to copy/paste. Is there a way to use Ctrl-c to copy and Ctrl-v to paste?


Posted 2017-01-19T12:58:05.857

Reputation: 71

1Ctrl-c in UNIX/Linux send signal to the current running process (in frontend). Is it so heavy to use Ctrl+Ins? – Romeo Ninov – 2017-01-19T13:16:03.840



The author of PuTTY, Simon Tatham, addressed this to some extent in more recent versions. Certainly in Version 0.71 you can configure Ctrl+Shift+C/V to behave as Ctrl+C/V, which is much closer than the Ctrl/Shift+Ins that was originally available.

enter image description here

Gavin Jackson

Posted 2017-01-19T12:58:05.857

Reputation: 151


Nope, no way!

Take a look at Using PuTTY:

PuTTY's copy and paste works entirely with the mouse. In order to copy text to the clipboard, you just click the left mouse button in the terminal window, and drag to select text. When you let go of the button, the text is automatically copied to the clipboard. You do not need to press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Ins; in fact, if you do press Ctrl-C, PuTTY will send a Ctrl-C character down your session to the server where it will probably cause a process to be interrupted.


Posted 2017-01-19T12:58:05.857

Reputation: 14 097

2That is a shame that is not an option - and I know how it works. I've been using putty off and on for a long time and the non-standard copy/paste has always bugged me. The rest of the (windows) world uses the standard copy paste and I end up right clicking in another application to paste and vise-versa. Yes, I understand about sending the ctrl-c to the session. I prefer the mac where command-c/command-v doesn't mess with the session. Thanks for your feedback. – Bruce – 2017-01-31T13:54:53.510

You are welcome, Bruce! Don't hesitate to mark the answer as accepted if you fill so, not only this one but generally :) – duDE – 2017-01-31T14:09:06.273