What is "curl: (56) SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 73" telling me?


What does this cURL error mean and where can I find more related information?

curl: (56) SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 73

I'm writing a shell script to query the Splunk API. In some cases, after 5 minutes, I get this error. Sometimes I can rerun the script and the error goes away and I get my desired output.

Here is what I see on my terminal.

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed          Time             Curr.
                                 Dload  Upload Total    Current  Left    Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:05:01 --:--:--     0
curl: (56) SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 73

A sample search is this. I'll substitute "spock" for a hosthame. This search does succeed on other hosts, so this specific search isn't somehow incorrect and causing the problem.

search index=os_nix host=spock source=/var/adm/messages latest=-30d NOT snmpd authentication (error OR fail OR failure) | head

I am building my command like this.

luser=(read from user input)
lpassword=(read from user input)
OUTFILE=(generated from hostname and the type of search I'm running) 
mySEARCH=(read from input file)
USER=(User ID read from environment)

The actually command is this.

curl -k -o "${OUTFILE}" -u ${luser:=${USER}}:${lpasswd} ${URL} -d search="${mySEARCH}" -d output_mode="csv"

My script loops through a list of hosts, read from an external file, performing several searches, read from a different external file, against each host. To clarify further, I can run my script and I get two or three failures out of a total of thirty total searches. The entire run doesn't fail, just two or three individual host/search pairs. The failure isn't limited to a specific host/search pair or a specific host or a specific search, as I can rerun my script and the failures stand a good chance of succeeding.

What is the cURL error trying to tell me?

If it matters, this is AIX.

curl 7.11.1 (powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0) libcurl/7.11.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7g ipv6
Protocols: ftp gopher telnet dict ldap http file https ftps
Features: IPv6 SSL NTLM Largefile


Posted 2016-12-15T22:53:05.917

Reputation: 142


Maybe the host has a "bad certificate" like self-signed for example. Look at this

– OscarAkaElvis – 2016-12-16T00:59:09.210

@OscarAkaElvis Would a bad certificate return immediately or wait for a timeout? Your link makes me think a different authorization method is needed, such as "echo -ne "username:password" | base64 --wrap 0" in my shell script, or "uuencode -m" in AIX-land? – IAmJeff – 2016-12-19T16:09:26.523



Curl reports these errors because Splunk doesn't return any data. (My search returned data for most hosts but a time-specific window would cause it to occasionally fail.)

Splunk times out after 5 minutes and disconnects curl, errno 73. The curl exit code (56) is "Failure in receiving network data." Splunk doesn't send anything, so no data to receive.

Thank you both @thrig and @OscarAkaElvis for assisting.


Posted 2016-12-15T22:53:05.917

Reputation: 142


The names associated with the errno "error numbers" should be in the file errno.h usually stashed somewhere under /usr/include, though a webby search turns up:


Which for 73 and AIX is "Connection reset by peer". So for some reason the peer (or something between the client and the peer) reset the connection.


Posted 2016-12-15T22:53:05.917

Reputation: 686

Wow. Nice on-line error-code table. – IAmJeff – 2016-12-19T16:13:08.737

How would I interpret this error code? curl: (56) SSL read: errno -5961 – IAmJeff – 2016-12-19T16:16:06.613

@IAmJeff too little context to tell, the return code can be negative as it's an int, so could either be a negative read, or something did set that (grep out of AIX and OpenSSL sources, maybe), or something else went awry. – thrig – 2016-12-19T19:54:53.683