In Excel how can I follow a Mailto Hyperlink without using mouse?


I have this in cell B2:

=HYPERLINK("MAILTO:"&R2&"&subject="&B2&"?BCC="&C2&"&body="&D2,"Send Email")

If I left-click on this link it opens up an email in my default mail program (Outlook).

I want to be able to 'follow' this link without using the mouse, in other words I need a keyboard shortcut or a macro which would essentially simulate a left mouse click. I only need to do this for the highlighted cell or the active cell.

I'm using Excel 2016 on a Windows 10 machine, 64 bit. I'm new to Macros, so I could use some specific help.

Brian Hummel

Posted 2016-12-05T17:19:50.093

Reputation: 1



The menu key simulates a right mouse click. To avoid using the mouse:
Navigate to the cell.
Press the Menu key.
Select Open HyperLink.

enter image description here


Posted 2016-12-05T17:19:50.093

Reputation: 1 045

Hit the hamburger key! – JaredT – 2016-12-05T21:07:14.630