In webiste live chat is there any chance to track data


If I open some website (both wired and wireless) online live chat comes up. Like this,

Hi Friend, How can I help you?

When I chat with them is there any chance to track or get data from PC .

How can I find particular website chat is safe or unsafe.


Posted 2016-10-28T08:52:25.933

Reputation: 121

What do you mean by track? Are you referring to your or their PC? Sounds like an advertisement? – Seth – 2016-10-28T09:30:32.353

I mean track as taking data in my pc without my knowledge. – Ezhilarasan – 2016-10-28T09:32:55.353

Which is not what tracking usually refers to. What tracking usually means is identifying you across multiple visits to (different) websites possibly even with different bowers/across multiple browser sessions. Most browsers don't allow local access to data but with Plugins like Flash/Silverlight/Java there might be some possibilities. There is always a possibility of exploits hat could exist. Best way is to use your own judgment and make sure it's a reputable site/service offering the chat. – Seth – 2016-10-28T10:04:07.107

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