Creating a function called IFTRUE that behaves as IFERROR but for a function returning TRUE. Worsheetfunction.if doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?



I wanted to create a custom function that would be a shorthand for if(somefunction(arg)=something,"sometext",somefunction(arg)) So I don't have to duplicate somefunction(arg) each time I do this, just like how iferror lets us do away with if(iserror(somefunction(arg)),"sometext",somefunction(arg)

For example, I want to be able to type iftrue(somefunction(arg),"=A1","message") and that to be equivalent to if(sumfunction(arg)=A1,"message",sumfunction(arg))

I tried:

Function iftrue(Fx, condition, show)
    iftrue = Application.WorksheetFunction.if(Fx & condition, show, Fx)
End Function

But it gives #value.

To diagnose my problem, I tried some simpler functions, to see where I was going wrong. So I duplicated the SUM and If functions.

This "sum" function works.

Function testsum(a, b)
    test = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(a, b)
End Function

But this "if" function doesn't work.

Function testif(a, b, c)
    testif = Application.WorksheetFunction.if(a, b, c)
End Function

So I think my problem is the way I'm invoking the worksheet.function.if.

I know I could just get around this by using VBA ifs instead but that's not really what I want to do.


Posted 2016-10-21T12:59:14.047

Reputation: 684

please give an example of iftrue's parameters which you've tried and wasn't working. What doesn't work mean? Wrong output / error message? – Máté Juhász – 2016-10-21T13:07:43.427

I had to do some parsing to deal with text. Please see my edit. It will work with formulas that return text as well as numbers, It will return a string. – Scott Craner – 2016-10-21T13:50:17.017

1It will now return the same as what the function returns. If the function returns a double so will this function. If it returns text so will this function. You may need to refresh the screen. – Scott Craner – 2016-10-21T13:57:42.403



There is no Application.WorksheetFunction.If()

Even if there was you would still need to push extra quotes into the test part of the if. for example if the fx resolved to "test" and condition was "=test" the resultant string would be "test = test"

Put that

So use Evaluate instead.

We need to parse the string in a certain format for Evaluate.

we need to push extra quotes into the resultant string. for example if the fx resolved to "test" and condition was "=test" the resultant string would be "test = test".

Putting this in Evaluate, the function would look for a function named test. So we need a string that is like ""test"="test"", which will resolve to True.

If the condition was always an equality and never an inequality we could simply use IF fx = condition then in place of everything up to and including If tst Then.

This function is more dynamic than that as it allows inequalities:

Function IFTrue(fx, condition As String, show)
Dim tst As Boolean
Dim z As Integer
Dim t As String
'test whether the condition is assuming "="
If InStr("<>=", Left(condition, 1)) = 0 Then condition = "=" & condition
'Find whether there is one or two qulifiers
If InStr("<>=", Mid(condition, 2, 1)) > 0 Then z = 2 Else z = 1
'Parse string to remove qulifiers from the quotes and make everything a string
t = """" & fx & """" & Left(condition, z) & """" & Mid(condition, z + 1) & """"
'evaluate the formula string to resolve to True or False
tst = Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate(t)

If tst Then
    IFTrue = show
    IFTrue = fx
End If
End Function

You would then call it like this

=IFtrue(SUM(A1,A2),"=A3","Must Be True")


You can use the IIF() and reduce the number of lines

Function IFTrue2(fx, condition As String, show)
Dim z As Integer

'test whether the condition is assuming "="
If InStr("<>=", Left(condition, 1)) = 0 Then condition = "=" & condition
'Find whether there is one or two qulifiers
If InStr("<>=", Mid(condition, 2, 1)) > 0 Then z = 2 Else z = 1

IFTrue2 = IIf(Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate("""" & fx & """" & Left(condition, z) & """" & Mid(condition, z + 1) & """"), show, fx)

End Function

Scott Craner

Posted 2016-10-21T12:59:14.047

Reputation: 16 128

____________Very Nice_________ – Gary's Student – 2016-10-21T13:53:56.413

@Gary'sStudent now it will return the same type as what the input is. – Scott Craner – 2016-10-21T13:59:40.420

1I'll put this in my toolbox. – Gary's Student – 2016-10-21T14:00:46.360

This has grown since I last looked! I like that it doesn't require the argument as a string any more. Could you comment this code please? While it's better than it was before, it's now a little opaque. – Some_Guy – 2016-10-21T15:31:33.190

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but is there no way of using the built-in excel if function, and simply refactoring the way the arguments are passed to that? Rather than building a function from scratch as you have here. – Some_Guy – 2016-10-21T15:33:17.813

No, there is no way. What I did not add is that there is no WorksheetFunction.If. So we need to build the string. I have added notes and simplified the function. As I was adding notes I realized I over worked the function and this simpler function still does what is desired. @Some_Guy – Scott Craner – 2016-10-21T15:47:48.043