Outlook 2010 e-mail works on Mobile Data, but not Wi-Fi


I hope you can help me. A client of mine is running Outlook 2010 through their business Wi-Fi account with a Telkom (South African ISP). They have domains, that are hosted by different companies. The one is hosted by a local hosting company (no problem on their e-mails), and the other is hosted by unlimitedwebhosting.co.uk.

All e-mails that are hosted with unlimitedwebhosting.co.uk has a problem syncing IMAP and POP3 if the PC is connect with the Wi-Fi. The moment the PC connects with mobile data, the e-mails work. There other domain that is hosted through the local hosting, does not have that problem.

When I ping the mail server for unlimitedwebhosting.co.uk over Wi-Fi, I get a "request timed out", but when I ping the server over mobile data, I receive a response.

All settings for incoming & outgoing mail servers are as per the hosting company, and have been double checked. I read somewhere that the host can block certain smtp ports, but could this even been the problem and will it only be a problem over Wi-Fi? Please can you anyone help.

Riaan Labuschagne

Posted 2016-10-14T13:08:50.070

Reputation: 1

Welcome to Super User. Obviously, something on the local network, or the ISP, is blocking the one domain. Unfortunately, there is too little information here for anyone to be able to really help. Tell us about the network. Is the client's network a corporate domain or just a wireless gateway provided by the ISP? – CharlieRB – 2016-10-14T15:44:08.753

CharlieRB, Thank you for your response. The client's network is not on a domain, just a gateway provided by the ISP. The client forgot his login details at his host, and we're trying to recover that information now, to get to the backend of the host to find out if something is blocked. Since we're in South Africa and the host is in the UK there a bit of time delay, which takes up some time. – Riaan Labuschagne – 2016-10-17T07:04:28.320

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