Excel ignore blank cells with date subtraction in a MIN array


I'm trying to find the smallest difference between 2 sets of dates.

The most simple array formula sort of works and finds the smallest difference, but if 1 of the columns is missing a date, it treats the blank cell as 0 and the result of MIN difference in days becomes something like -42634 (which is not what I want).


After some reading, I tried to subtract only if both columns is not blank and while it works with a single row...


it returns a #VALUE! error if I try wrapping it with MIN...


I'm no Excel expert, but I'm guessing it's because a MIN of nothing but blank cells is going to throw an error as I read it's supposed to ignore blanks. Using MIN/MAX on 2 cells with one containing a date and the other blank seems to confirm this as it results in the only date.

I tried to incorporate this into the original formula, but I have no idea what I'm doing and I end up getting a #VALUE! error again. Help?



Posted 2016-10-10T06:57:01.617

Reputation: 147



OR evaluates ALL of its parameters to ONE RESULT (not just pairwise).

To evaluate it as you need use

Tip: to better understand your formula you can evaluate it and see results step by step in Formula - "Evaluate formula"


Using +,-,/,* operators Excel automatically converts boolean to integers (True -> 1; False -> 0), so addition (+) works similar as OR, and multiplication (*) works as AND.
After, IF converts numbers back to boolean (0 -> False, non-zero -> True).

Máté Juhász

Posted 2016-10-10T06:57:01.617

Reputation: 16 807

I don't quiet understand the "+" sign, but your solution seems to be working. – gavsiu – 2016-10-10T08:34:02.153

please see my update, I've tried to explain it. – Máté Juhász – 2016-10-10T08:40:35.290