Linux filezilla Error: Pageant failed to answer challenge


So for a long time I have had no issues with keys and filezilla.

This morning I woke up, attempted to sftp into my Raspberry Pi and I get this:


Status: Connecting to pi:2222...
Response:   fzSftp started, protocol_version=6
Command:    keyfile "/home/cx/.ssh/id_rsa_putty"
Command:    open "cybex@pi" 2222
Error:  Pageant failed to answer challenge
Error:  Could not connect to server

I am using the putty key from my Windows Putty.

Tried: I have recreated new keys - openssh (for the sake of it), downloaded and installed puttygen for linux and regenerated keys (as this is what I used before), rebooted my Pi

None of this works, I cannot find anyone who has had the same issue,

Anyone know why this happens, I am at a complete loss!


Posted 2016-10-06T07:48:21.913

Reputation: 825



So this is awkward...

A simple system restart solved my issue,

for the record,

Filezilla: which keys to use

linux puttygen keys work (RSA Key tested)

OpenSSH linux keys work (that is the built in ssh uitility RSA and ECDSA keys tested)

Hope this helps!


Posted 2016-10-06T07:48:21.913

Reputation: 825