Have Excel save a copy of a picture based on input


I'm pretty new to this and don't really know if what I want is actually possible. FYI: I work at an architectural firm.

I have two images: one named 'valid' and one named 'invalid'. I also have an excel file with one sheet per project (number). Each sheet has a matrix with our drawing numbers in row 1 and the possible revisions (A, B, C, D...) in column A.

In this matrix I can select from a small drop down whether a revision of a drawing is valid or invalid.

Okay, so now my question:

I would like to save a copy of my 'valid' or 'invalid' image named as a combination of drawing number (row 1) and revision (column 1), saved in folders named after our project number (name of sheet). (either by button in the ribbon or upon closure of excel-file).

When I change a revision from valid to invalid in excel it should of course update the valid image to the invalid image as well.

This would be a great help in keeping track of which drawing is valid and which is outdated on building sites, since a QR code on our drawings links to the location and name of the image on our server. They will just have to scan the QR and will get either the valid or invalid image in return. (This last part is already in place, I would just like to have this automated from our excel file instead of updating one by one).

Please help!


Posted 2016-09-21T07:46:38.783

Reputation: 9


Welcome to Super User! Please note that https://superuser.com is not a free script/code writing service. If you tell us what you have tried so far (include the scripts/code you are already using) and where you are stuck then we can try to help with specific problems. You should also read How do I ask a good question?.

– DavidPostill – 2016-09-21T13:03:57.937

1A lot of details, but still missing about a thousand words. Or you can just show your work with an uploaded-image and also paste some text as a sample data. Hint: use <pre> tags </pre> to enable visual spacing. – ejbytes – 2016-09-21T22:56:08.510

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