Remote desktop is not working - no port 3389 is bound



On a Windows7 Pro the remote desktop stopped beeing available.

This is what I checked:

  • Port 3389 is not available from extern (telnet .... 3389 does not work but telnet .... 445 works)
  • netstat shows that there is no prozess listening at port 3389
  • "Remote Settings" is configured with Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop ...
  • the services (Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Configuration and Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector are running)
  • The service Cryptographic Services is also started
  • windows firewall is disabled
  • no third party firewall is installed
  • In the registry is port 3389 configured at ..\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp
  • resetted the ip stack but without success

The customer says that it was working in the past.

In the netstat log (netstat -abn) isn't any entry like

TCP               LISTENING

and telnet

telnet 3389

does not connect from the localhost and from a remote host in the same network, although the firewall is disabled and other ports (like 445) do listen and do answer.

Found a similar thread here and the suggestion it may be caused by: KB2830477. Didn't help.


Posted 2016-09-03T14:17:16.583

Reputation: 2 357

Is the Checkbox in the remote settings unchecked where it says only allow connections from computers with NLA ? also, are you 100% positive the port forward redirects it to the correct IP Address? if you try it locally from another computer can it connect? What has changed for the customer. – Kage – 2016-09-03T16:53:17.167

About NLA: Don't have teamviewer connection any more, can't answer it now. But look at my recent edit. I don't think that the cause on this level or on routing. – marsh-wiggle – 2016-09-03T17:12:36.873

is the "Remote Desktop Services" service running? that spawns the process that should listen on 3389

TCP Server01:0 LISTENING TermService.

And if it isnt running do you get any eventlog errors when trying to start it, or eventlog errors after rebooting the system – Kage – 2016-09-03T17:15:25.757

Also in the task manager if you check processes and show the column "Command line" you should find a entry under svchost.exe with as commandline "C:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k termsvcs" – Kage – 2016-09-03T17:20:31.310

@Kage Look at my posting: the services ( .. are running). Compared the command lines with another well working W7, no difference. – marsh-wiggle – 2016-09-03T17:29:10.830



After uninstalling this updates, remote desktop works again:

Update for RDP 8.1 KB2923545

Update for RDP 8.0 KB2592687

This can't be be the final solution but for the moment the customer can work.


Posted 2016-09-03T14:17:16.583

Reputation: 2 357


To know on which port RDP service is listening, check on following registry path:


How to know/change default RDP listening port

Make sure there are restiction of port on your local physical network devices(routers,firewall).

Mitesh Gangaramani

Posted 2016-09-03T14:17:16.583

Reputation: 44

Thanks, but 3389 is already configured there. – marsh-wiggle – 2016-09-03T15:29:32.367


I fixed this item just now, exactly the same symptoms, by copying the registry from a working server to my failing server. The keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

First made a backup, then copied working keys over failing and done! Not even a restart needed...


Posted 2016-09-03T14:17:16.583

Reputation: 1