I have a Minecraft server and I have it set up with no-ip and everything (since I run it on my home computer) and I only share the IP with about a few friends, but only 3-4 people (including friends and friends-of-friends) are usually on. I want my server to be bigger with more people and hopefully at least 20 players. The reason I want more people is because it's a factions server and there is nobody to raid. Anyways, I have done LOTS of research into this and can't get a clear answer; is it safe to share external IP or not?
My router has a firewall and I only have opened/forwarded the ports I need/use. I have also disabled "Ping from WAN" so people can't (D)DOS me with a ping flood if I ever did share my IP or if someone got a hold of it and tried that.
With these conditions do you think I can share my external IP with other people without them being able to (D)DOS me successfully/easily?
By share I mean to let others know
People can still potentially DOS you if "Ping from WAN" is disabled. They can just use different protocols or send so many pings that the router doesn't have enough resources to process (deny, in this case) all of them and the real traffic at the same time. – theJack – 2016-08-19T00:51:59.987