Why do I only get full Internet speed when passing Ethernet cabling through a UPS?


I've got a really interesting issue. I've got a 200/100 MBit internet connection, which completely worked before. Now, with having the ethernet cabling passing through a UPS (APC Back-UPS ES 700G; also used for surge-protection), I get 100/100 - which is normal for its 100Mbit interface. Recently I tried to test it without the UPS, I only get 15-20/100 MBit.

Now before you start asking for replacing the cables/etc., I want to emphasize the fact that I get the 100 Mbit down with the UPS but not without. Connection type directly is 1 Gbps, with pass-thru is 100 Mbit.

Here's a drawing for a better explanation; the lines are CAT5E cables and the cable that goes into the PC directly is the same I use when passing through the UPS:

I've tried rebooting, trying different operating systems, rebooting the router before I finally found out that it works only properly with the UPS.

Has anyone seen such an issue before, and have an idea what could cause this?


Posted 2016-08-12T17:20:35.910

Reputation: 21

Yes, CAT5E ones. – Exec – 2016-08-12T17:28:53.033

Yes, it's the same. – Exec – 2016-08-12T17:32:11.457

1Please edit your question to add the exact make/model of the UPS you are using. That could be a key factor in this speed bottleneck. – JakeGould – 2016-08-12T17:38:20.073

I've added it, but it's probably irrelevant since I get a slowdown without it. – Exec – 2016-08-12T17:40:04.817

It might be acting as a repeater/amplifier for the Ethernet signal. – TheKB – 2016-08-12T17:46:07.597

Could you use a different PC/USB to Ethernet adapter? – TheKB – 2016-08-12T17:47:02.180

How are you measuring this speed? – CharlieRB – 2016-08-12T17:56:36.600

TheKB: There's no USB involved at all. CharlieRB: Through http://speedtest.net, multiple servers.

– Exec – 2016-08-12T19:21:46.633

Is the UPS connected to the same port on your switch/router compared to the standalone setup? Have you tried inhouse speedtests as compared to Internet ones? – Marki – 2016-08-30T05:40:15.290

@exec this question is now over 2 years old. How did you get on? What did you discover? Feel free to add your own answer and accept it - SE specifically permits this. – Criggie – 2018-10-03T01:44:05.210

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