brew linkapps will not link emacs to the applications folder in El Capitan


I have installed emacs by typing brew install emacs. It has been installed successfully, but typing brew linkups --verbosesays:

No apps linked to /Applications

Is there a way that I could have emacs in my Applications folder?

Parham Doustdar

Posted 2016-08-04T05:05:30.527

Reputation: 113



Homebrew Homebrew has Emacs 24.5. Its a:

A Cocoa-specific can be built using the --with-cocoa switch

To install and link, please run these command in your shell:

1. brew update

2. brew install emacs --with-cocoa

3. brew linkapps emacs

To start Emacs from the launchpad or from Spotlight:

1. sudo rm /usr/bin/emacs    (removes the older version)
2. sudo rm -rf /usr/share/emacs

Or just create an alias in your shell:

alias emacs="/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.x/ -nw"

To make it permanent, if using bash, add that line to ~/.bash_profile.

You could also follow these commands, to install with a Package Manager:

1. brew install --with-cocoa emacs

2. brew install --with-cocoa --srgb emacs (to get some colours) 

3. ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.5/ /Applications (for linking)

After installation, using the emacs command in the terminal or shell will run the -nw version of Emacs.

Hope this works for you.

Thank you.

Animesh Patra

Posted 2016-08-04T05:05:30.527

Reputation: 2 188