sftp onto mac local machine from remote server


Posted this on SO but that was deemed off topic so re-posting it here.

I am trying to download a dataset from a private remote server through sftp onto my local macbook pro machine. I was informed by the sys admin of the remote server to provide the following

  1. IP address

  2. login name

  3. machine name (I think they mean hostname by this)

I found my login name using the whoami command, the IP (assuming that they want my public IP address) using the ifconfig command.

The machine name however is of the form myname-MacBook-Pro.local, is this what they mean by hostname? Is this information correct for me to provide them so I am able to download the data by sftp?

Also, I'm confused if the public IP of my machine is actually governed by the wi-fi network that I'm on? If so, I think I would have to be on the same network for which I provided the public IP, when I download the data, if not it won't work?

Any clarifications would be much appreciated.


Posted 2016-07-07T17:16:07.603

Reputation: 1

Yes hostname would be myname-MacBook-Pro.local If you need a single ip for multiple locations consider a vpn and give the hostname and IP of the vpn endpoint (or the CIDR i.e. 173.x.x.x/24) – linuxdev2013 – 2016-07-09T12:08:21.167



Hostname is exactly what you think it is, yourname-MacBook-Pro. When you're in a terminal, you see it on every line. To get your public IP address go to http://www.whatismyip.com - Most likely the IP you see from ifconfig is a local IP set by your router. It probably starts with 192 or 172 which is local only.


Posted 2016-07-07T17:16:07.603

Reputation: 346