BInd9 not woking with ipv4 by default



I have an Debian running Bind9 with many logs like error (network unreachable) resolving so set -4 in /etc/default/bind9 but not forced to work with ipv4

look the /etc/default/bind9

# run resolvconf?

# startup options for the server
OPTIONS="-4 -u bind"

output of ps is

root@lDebian13:/etc/rc2.d# ps aux | grep named
bind      8682  0.5  0.7 389940 29932 ?        Ssl  20:31   0:00  /usr/sbin/named -f -u bind
root      8707  0.0  0.0  12752  2168 pts/1    S+   20:32   0:00 grep named

I feel that /etc/default/bind9 does not change the execution mode startup script, because when you run /usr/sbin/named -f -4 -u bind starts working as it should.

How can I solve this problem?


Posted 2016-06-04T23:37:21.237

Reputation: 11

what steps did you take after editing that file? what init are you using? – Jasen – 2016-06-04T23:48:39.263



Check if this file exists on your system: /lib/systemd/system/bind9.service

If it does, then you are almost certainly using systemd for all your "init" needs and you need to edit that file to change the launch options. After you've done that, then run service bind9 restart

And feel free to delete /etc/default/bind9 if running dpkg -S /etc/default/bind9 shows no package owner. It'll eliminate possible confusion in the future.


Posted 2016-06-04T23:37:21.237

Reputation: 1 682