Connect computers on wifi extender to workgroup


Good afternoon, I am trying to connect 4 computers to the same workgroup but I am having some problems. I will try to explain. 1.- 2 of them are connected via ethernet to the router 2.- 2 of them are connected via ethernet to a TP Link Wifi extender which is also connected via ethernet to the router. However, I cannot get group 1 and group 2 computers to see each other. I think this might be because of different IP addresses (?) The router has an IP of 192.168.1.X When I go the TP admin panel I have the LAN - IP: (192.168.0.X is what shows up on the PC when running ipconfig) WAN - 192.168.1.X (which is dynamic) Could I get help on how to change them for them not to clash (I have tried but failed) or other possible alternatives? Kind Regards

Daniel Antón García

Posted 2016-05-30T20:19:09.850

Reputation: 101

3You need to set the WiFi extender to Bridge Mode, which will disable DHCP and NAT. – DavidPostill – 2016-05-30T20:22:55.823

How can I do it when both routers are connected via ethernet and not wifi? – Daniel Antón García – 2016-05-31T08:23:23.607

It doesn't make any difference how they are connected. It's a router setting. – DavidPostill – 2016-05-31T09:34:57.387

I can only find tutorials on how to do it via WDS (which is wifi). However the wifi reception of router 1 is not great so I wanted to bridge it via ethernet. – Daniel Antón García – 2016-05-31T16:05:47.393

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