Acrylic DNS Hosts not refresh


I've installed current version (0.9.31) acrylic DNS on Windows 8 machine and set DNS address to in TCP/IP v4 settings. Then I added in ArcylicHosts entry: *.dev

for wildcards.

But now I can't modify hosts file - if I enter some records and remove *dev entry, after restart DNS service nothing change. I tried to use purge cache file, restart PC too.

Even if I reinstall Acrylic software, the record *dev is still set, because I have response from ping to any *dev domain.

Does anyone has any idea to refresh ArcylicHosts.txt file? Please answer me.


Posted 2016-05-25T09:57:08.160

Reputation: 21



The AcrylicHosts.txt file is reloaded each time the Acrylic service starts.

AFAIK the only other caches involved are the DNS client cache, which can be invalidated by the 1ipconfig /flushdns1 command, and, eventually, your browser's own DNS cache.

For example in Chrome you can access its contents by navigating to:


Massimo Fabiano

Posted 2016-05-25T09:57:08.160

Reputation: 31

But I've restarted my computer and flush dns manually from windows console, so Arcylichosts.txt should be reloaded. It is not a problem with browser cache, because I've checked it from CMD>ping and there is response every time. I think it is a problem with cache in Windows 8, but I can't refresh it. – Sebastian – 2016-06-11T09:00:58.187