Configure SNMP to send messages to two different monitoring platforms


Is it possible to configure snmpd on Ubuntu (via snmpd.conf) to send messages to two different monitoring applications? For example, lets say I have defined a read only community called 'readonly', is it possible to configure snmpd.conf to communicate with two different platforms (let's say and are the IP addresses) like this

rocommunity readonly

rocommunity readonly

I cannot seem to find any examples on the internet of a configuration that is sending SNMP messages to two separate platforms, so I figured i'd ask here.


Posted 2016-05-18T22:26:27.350

Reputation: 4 299



Unless you are using traps to flag significant events, SNMP will not send data to either server. You can configure multiple communities that can query the data. In your case both clients would be able to query with the same credentials.

Newer versions of SNMP have better security. You may want to use different access configurations for the two monitoring clients. This may include restricting which data each client can read.


Posted 2016-05-18T22:26:27.350

Reputation: 9 384


You can try to publish your community using the netmask instead:

rocommunity readonly

But your way should work too, can't check it myself at the moment.


Posted 2016-05-18T22:26:27.350

Reputation: 56

Good to know, but this does seem like it would be a greater security risk since it would give an attacker the ability to query snmp from any point on the network. Currently we have snmp configured to only be queried from the snmp management station, and I think that's how it should be for now. Regardless, still good info to have. Thanks – Richie086 – 2016-05-27T13:14:19.490