How can I extract all the records stacked into a single column and rearrange into a 'normal' table with records in rows and fields in columns? Data is "vertical" because that was arrangement in .DOC file from which I extracted the info.
I have many records of data that are stacked into (actually) two columns. Col. A contains field name, Col B contains the field value. Some of the records don't have all the fields, i.e., rows 2,3,4,5 contain values for 1st record; rows 6,7,8 values for 2nd record. Thanks.
Thank you all for quick replies. Apologies that my question was ambiguous.
1Your question isn't clear now, could you please post some sample data? Is there any information stored which links rows to records, or just need to check when list of field names restart? Why do you have transpose tag, do you also want to transpose your data? Why do you have extract tag? – Máté Juhász – 2016-04-21T08:23:43.293