Finding multiple local maxima and placing data labels on corresponding chart


Spectrum that I am using complete with 10,000 data points

enter image description here

I am a chemistry student of sorts and I frequently have instances where I need to find multiple peak heights (as seen in the attached picture). It seems like there would be a way to find the y-value of each of these peaks at a given x and print those values out as data labels on the graph and in various cells, but I can't figure it out. I believe that using:

=IF(AND(C4>C3,C4>C5),"Local maxima","")

along with:

Sub CustomLabels()

   Dim i, myCount, pt
   myCount = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Points.Count

   For i = 1 To myCount
       ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i).DataLabel.Text = Range("D" & i + 1).Value
   Next i

End Sub

Will yield something that looks like this:

enter image description here

What I would like to do:

  • Get those labels that say "max" to say the actual values, preferably the x and y values, but just the y works too.

  • Making it so the max values appeared in a new column would be really great. To clarify, I have 10000 points and should end up with 40 peaks. I would like to get a hypothetical column D to populate with those 40 max values.

  • Finally, since there are 10000 values, I need to find a way to filter out the values that are below my desired peak heights (in the first picture).

How can I achieve the above?

Nicholas Brandon

Posted 2016-04-05T20:52:03.227

Reputation: 41



To make the labels show the actual values, just change the formula to show the values instead of the text "max".

Your formula currently seems to be


Change it to


The other two bullet points of your question are not clear. Edit your question to explain in more detail.


Posted 2016-04-05T20:52:03.227

Reputation: 19 551

I think I figured it out. I couldn't have done it without you. I just used: =IF(AND(C4>0,C5<0,B4>0.318,A4>2500,A4<3200),A4&","&B4,"") – Nicholas Brandon – 2016-04-06T02:47:22.403

If that helped, please mark the answer as described in the Tour

– teylyn – 2016-04-06T03:55:48.090


You can also solve the problem without VBA and with only 3 columns, like this:

Assuming your original columns A & B, use this formula in your C column

=IFERROR(IF(AND(SLOPE(B1:B2,A1:A2)>0,B2>$C$1),B2,NA()),NA()) where $C$1 = your desired peak heights.

The IFERROR wrapper allows you to fill the entire column, and Excel will convert any errors from the first couple rows (blank in your example) to #N/A, which will be ignored in the chart. Alternatively, you could leave the wrapper off, and start your columns a few rows down-as in your original example.

Then, create an XY/Scatter chart with two data series.

  1. The first data series uses columns A & B for its XY coordinates, formatted with lines, but no data markers.
  2. The second data series uses columns A & C for its XY coordinates, formatted with data markers, but no lines. Excel ignores all of your #N/A values when plotting the data markers.
  3. Add data labels to your second series, formatted to include both X and Y values. Excel also ignores all of your #N/A values when plotting data markers.

Highlight local max

  1. I also added an additional series, with one point X=0, Y=$C$1 (desired peak height), with no line or point formatting. The I added a positive horizontal error bar that I formatted with dotted red line to show the minimum desired peak height. This will also automatically adjust if you change your desired peak height value.


Posted 2016-04-05T20:52:03.227

Reputation: 8 378