I tried to understand the true difference between Usenet and regular forums in termas of servers adminstrations and organizing but with no avail.
This is qutoed from Wikipedia "absence of a central server and dedicated administrator. Usenet is distributed among a large, constantly changing conglomeration of servers that store and forward messages to one another in so-called news feeds"
Two things are here:
1- "Absence of Central Server". I would say that's also the case in large forums. There are no one central server, but a group of servers.
2- "No dedicated Admin". How is this possible? I mean there must be someone/group who takes care of the whole thing. Especially that files are being hosted on these servers and not on users PCs. I mean in case of torrents, "No admin" would be acceptable as files are hosted on users PCs. But not in our case here.
Question: What is the true difference in terms of servers organizing, in a liitle bit of details?
"No dedicated Admin" usenet has distributed admins, 1 for each distrubuted server ;) Usenet is essentially peer to peer between servers, with server admins deciding where to get externals feeds from. – DavidPostill – 9 years ago
Some newsgroups are moderated, so controlled by a group of moderators. See Moderated Newsgroups FAQ
– DavidPostill – 9 years agoSee also How Does Usenet Work?
– DavidPostill – 9 years ago