Excel, Pivot and multiple row labels


I have a table with the following data

| Server | Version | DB |
| a      | v1      | k  |
| a      | v1      | l  |
| a      | v1      | m  |
| b      | v2      | n  |
| b      | v2      | o  |

where "Server" and "Version" are always the same in a row.

I would like a pivot table with

| Server | Version | DBs |
| a      | v1      | 3   |
| b      | v2      | 2   |

with DBs as the number of DBs on the given server.

Now I only manage to have one column "Server" as Row label. If I add the "Version" column to the list of columns I get something like

| Server       | DBs |
| (-) a        | 3   |
|     v1       | 3   |
| (-) b        | 2   |
|     v2       | 2   |

How can I have more than one column used as a pivot (if the values are always the same)?


Posted 2016-02-16T13:35:28.320

Reputation: 6 553



Go to Pivot table tools / Design / Layout / Report Layout and select Show in tabular form

enter image description here

Ron Rosenfeld

Posted 2016-02-16T13:35:28.320

Reputation: 3 333


You have to select all the rows as in the last example and than change the Report layout to Tabular form

enter image description here

and remove the subtotals

enter image description here


Posted 2016-02-16T13:35:28.320

Reputation: 6 553