how do I get my wifi password out of Vista when "STATUS" is greyed out?


NOTA BENE! this question is different than the one suggested, because:

1. I am not connected, this is the whole point of my question.

2. I specifically asked about the situation where the STATUS option is greyed out, as in: INACTIVE, which is not in the other question.


I've tried this method: and it works okay on other machines, but on my Vista Vista Vista Vista Vista Vista HP pavillion DV2 it doesn't work because on the context menu for the Wifi connection, the status option is greyed out. so .on the third picture, there's no status there.


  1. is there a command line method of getting this?

  2. can i see it in the registry?

  3. or how else do i solve this?

I should say that presumeably, the wifi is broken in a hardware/physical sense, i can make ethernet access, but now i've got a new laptop, so I want to extract the wifi password out of the old laptop. Did I mention it's a Vista OS? ========END=OF=QUESTION========


Posted 2016-02-13T04:13:08.807

Reputation: 286

Possible duplicate of How to find out the Wi-Fi password once already connected?

– DavidPostill – 2016-02-13T07:31:52.427

Possible duplicate of Is the wifi password stored somewhere in windows-7?

– Moab – 2016-02-13T19:56:44.490

See this answer and the one below it....

– Moab – 2016-02-13T19:57:04.750

regarding "Is the wifi password stored somewhere in windows-7" Did you even READ my question? It was about Vista, not Win7. They are different OSes .... I appreciate your effort, but if you can't be bothered with important specifics like what type of OS it's about ... – GwenKillerby – 2016-02-14T00:39:46.123

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