Windows 10 Change network to work or home



I cannot find anything on this.

I have a VPN, and for me to access my VPN and LAN I need to set this to home network, but I can't find this option.

Anyone know?


Posted 2016-01-22T01:15:52.687

Reputation: 825

In Windows 10 you can choose between "Private" and "Public" network types. What you want is Private. Here's how: BTW, if your UAC setting is at it's highest level, you won't be able to change between Private/Public. UAC needs to be one notch down from max (the default out-of-box setting).

– misha256 – 2016-01-22T01:41:09.597

Woops forgot there's a third network type called "Domain", but that's not likely applicable to you. – misha256 – 2016-01-22T01:45:42.530

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