Identify Hyper-V VM network adapter connected to specific vSwitch


I am trying to identify a specific network adapter connected to the Internal vSwitch, so I can subsequently bind the DHCP server role to that adapter. There are 3 Network Adapters, 2 connected to External (connected to my laptops Wifi & Ethernet adapter) vSwitches, and 1 to Internal (shared only between VM's). However they are not easily identified from within the VM.

Name                      InterfaceDescription                    ifIndex Status       MacAddress             LinkSpeed
----                      --------------------                    ------- ------       ----------             ---------
Ethernet 2                Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #2          6 Up           00-15-5D-01-64-16       270 Mbps
Ethernet 3                Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #3          4 Up           00-15-5D-01-64-17        10 Gbps
Ethernet                  Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter             5 Disconnected 00-15-5D-01-64-15        10 Gbps

The state of either external adapter can be connected or not, but usually 1 is (Wifi most likely). In above example its probably the "Ethernet 3" adapter, but thats only because my Ethernet isn't connected. It will have to work in a PowerShell script (PSSession). The VM is running Server 2016. How to identify the internal adapter to bind DHCP to?

Thanks a lot!

Edit: I could also wait with creating the internal network adapter until ready to bind dhcp to it and store the previously existing adapters first before creating the internal adapter.


Posted 2016-01-01T14:47:15.027

Reputation: 55



I know this question is outdated, but recently I've created a PowerShell script to solve this problem. May be it will be useful to someone else.

$net_adapters = Get-NetAdapter
foreach($ethernet_port in gwmi -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 -Class Msvm_InternalEthernetPort){
    $endpoint_physical = gwmi -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {$ethernet_port} WHERE ResultClass=Msvm_LANEndpoint AssocClass=Msvm_EthernetDeviceSAPImplementation"
    $endpoint_virtual = gwmi -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {$endpoint_physical} where ResultClass=Msvm_LANEndpoint assocclass=Msvm_ActiveConnection"
    $ethernetswitchport = gwmi -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {$endpoint_virtual}  WHERE ResultClass=Msvm_EthernetSwitchPort AssocClass=Msvm_EthernetDeviceSAPImplementation"
    $vswitch = gwmi -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {$ethernetswitchport} WHERE ResultClass=Msvm_VirtualEthernetSwitch"

    $net_adapter = $net_adapters | ?{($_).MacAddress -replace '-','' -eq $ethernet_port.PermanentAddress}
    Write-Host "Adapter:" $net_adapter.Name 
    Write-Host "Switch:" $vswitch.ElementName

Dmitry Trukhanov

Posted 2016-01-01T14:47:15.027

Reputation: 136