Turn off memory dump on BSOD in XP


I know I've seen this option before, but I can't find it for the life of me. Straight and simple:

Where can I find the option to disable the memory dump that occurs during a BSOD in Windows XP?

I recall seeing options for the memory that is dumped during the BSOD being something along the lines of:

  • Full
  • Minimal
  • Disabled

I understand its purpose, but I've never used it. At least knowing where the option is means I can always turn it on later if I have a BSOD that I actually want to debug.


Posted 2010-01-27T17:20:12.793

Reputation: 4 427



Go to System Properties (Windows Key+Pause / Break).

Open the Advanced Tab and click on Settings under Startup and Recovery.

Should be there!

alt text

William Hilsum

Posted 2010-01-27T17:20:12.793

Reputation: 111 572