Programs installed via OneGet doesn't show up


I followed this guide to install VLC via OneGet. However VLC doesn't show up in the start menu or in the "Add or remove program" after it has been successfully installed.

What am I doing wrong?

enter image description here enter image description here


PS C:\Users\Snebjorn> get-packageprovider -name chocolatey

The provider 'chocolatey v2.8.5.130' is not installed.
chocolatey may be manually downloaded from and installed.
Would you like PackageManagement to automatically download and install 'chocolatey' now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

Name                     Version          DynamicOptions
----                     -------          --------------
Chocolatey             {SkipDependencies, ContinueOnFailure, ExcludeVersion, ForceX86...}

PS C:\Users\Snebjorn> install-package vlc

The provider 'nuget v2.8.5.127' is not installed.
nuget may be manually downloaded from and installed.
Would you like PackageManagement to automatically download and install 'nuget' now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

The package(s) come from a package source that is not marked as trusted.
Are you sure you want to install software from 'chocolatey'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): y

Name                           Version          Source           Summary
----                           -------          ------           -------
vlc                     chocolatey       VLC Media Player

PS C:\Users\Snebjorn>


Posted 2015-11-26T00:19:32.987

Reputation: 431

run processmonitor in background while installing VLC and look where the files are written to. – magicandre1981 – 2015-11-26T05:48:32.797

I'm not familiar with processmonitor. How do I open it? – Snæbjørn – 2015-11-26T16:13:06.430



I found the answer as comment on this post How do I use Windows 10 built-in package manager?

Oh, there's a terribly confusing bug in PackageManagement where that exact behavior happens unless, before installing packages, you set the execution policy to allow scripts (I use RemoteSigned). I'll update my answer.

So after running Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned and reinstalling VLC it works as expected. Yay!


Posted 2015-11-26T00:19:32.987

Reputation: 431