Decoding HTTP GET parameter in Wireshark



I am capturing HTTP GET traffic with Wireshark and I have plenty of URLs that contain "cryptic" URL-encoded data.

I'd like to

  • see the URI split into the individual parameters
  • see the parameter values in plain text

Example: Today I see in Wireshark:

GET /index.xml?MODE=%40&MAC=63%3AA8%3A42%3AC0%3AE0%3AFD

And I'd like to see something like


How is that possible in Wireshark?

I have tried

  • expanding the GET part in Wireshark
  • right-clicking, decode as...

I know how to decode the URL e.g. with MIME-tools in Notepad++ or in online decoders, but I'd not like to do this for dozens of URLs.

Thomas Weller

Posted 2015-11-23T16:01:25.593

Reputation: 4 102

Wireshark cannot do this automatically, as it doesn't actually know that that value is a url fragment, let alone that it's partially hex expressing UFT-8. – Frank Thomas – 2015-11-23T17:11:26.607

@FrankThomas: thanks for the comment. The format of a HTTP GET request is specified. So it would theoretically be possible to implement in Wireshark, but nobody has done so yet. Is that a correct hypothesis? If so, maybe I can add a feature request to Wireshark Bugzilla. – Thomas Weller – 2015-11-24T09:53:17.813

I'm sure its possible, but it would not necessarilly be desirable for all cases, so yeah, submit a feature request, and see if the devs (who know exactly what the constraints are), like it. – Frank Thomas – 2015-11-24T12:37:17.420

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