Is there a performance improvement when considering partition size during HDD partition?


I am having a 320GB (298GB usable) HDD. I want to partition it.

Generally, Is there a recommended fixed size for partitioning so as to get more performance? Like in what case will the performance will be the best?

a) Creating equally sized partitions will give best performance/access times.

b) It doesn't really matter, but partitions in initial sectors will have faster access times.

Consider if I choose b); Can I create a 60GB partition as C: and rest as 80GB partitions?, will it affect the performance in any way compared to a)?


Posted 2015-11-16T09:17:39.047

Reputation: 103

a search like will get you enough information to decide for your uses. I could not find a perfect single Q&A that covers it all, but it has all been covered before.

– Psycogeek – 2015-11-16T09:27:54.287

Well I agree, but my question is not Will partitioning will affect performance?, but like does partition size affects performance. That's why I've decided to ask a new question. – Akshay – 2015-11-16T09:30:20.717

B) it just walls off sections of a disk, might help with organisation, partition to partition copying will be no faster than before, (only seperate hard disks solution the from/to data copy thing). There might be some reduced fragmenting, easier to defrag smaller sections. could be easier to manage or way worse to manage . moves within partitions dont actually move data but just re-point to it , wheras moves from partition to partition require total re-write. It is way more Users Choice of how you can organise the data, waste the space, or keep it in the faster sections. All covered before. – Psycogeek – 2015-11-16T11:11:12.740

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