Moving chrome window to another monitor turns it black



Since upgrading to windows 10 Whenever I move a chrome window to my external monitor from my laptop monitor my chrome goes black. It only happens when the chrome window is maximized and I currently have to restore window, drag to 2nd monitor, drop, then maximize in order to have a working chrome. Any suggestions?

Here is a picture of my chrome bug:

enter image description here

Laura Delgadillo

Posted 2015-10-11T05:16:53.027

Reputation: 133

try to turn the HW acceleration in chrome settings off. Also look if you use the latest GPU drivers – magicandre1981 – 2015-10-11T07:21:56.830

That worked Magicandre, but I can't figure out how to select your answer as the correct one. – Laura Delgadillo – 2015-10-11T15:45:57.373



Such graphic glitches are often causes by GPU issues. Make sure you use the latest GPU driver for your GPU and if you already use the latest driver, disable the hardware acceleration in the Chrome settings:

enter image description here


Posted 2015-10-11T05:16:53.027

Reputation: 86 560

I've had a similar issue on Firefox, which I solved using the same method as magicandre1981's answer by disabling hardware acceleration (set gfx.direct2d.disabled and layers.acceleration.disabled to true in about:config as suggested here). (I would have posted this as a comment but I don't have enough reputation)

– Dave – 2018-01-03T12:59:53.693


Pressing F11 twice to go fullscreen and back solves the problem temporarily.
Pressing CTRL + SHIFT + WIN + B (shortcut for reset graphics drivers) solves the problem better.

Hüseyin Yağlı

Posted 2015-10-11T05:16:53.027

Reputation: 167

I tried disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome and restarting (per @magicandre1981's answer), but to no avail. Both of these work-arounds work well. Thank you! – CJBS – 2019-07-11T18:24:59.733