For what 'upgrade wave' is "Get Windows 10" application currently waiting?


Automatically downloaded Windows 10 installer sits in


and has size of 3,928,296,443 bytes.

But it is almost 24 hours since the download activity stopped and the upgrade assistant still states We'll let you known when ready.

Isn't that 3.9 GB the final size of the package? Are there any extra downloads to come? Or is the process stuck? Should I continue waiting or should I do something?

Additional details:

  • Reservation is valid.
  • All available updates were applied using Windows Update.
  • Upgrade compatibility screen looks OK (0 errors reported, all icons are green check-marks).
  • Directory C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources takes most of the above volume and
    Directory C:\$Windows.~BT\NewOS is empty.


Posted 2015-08-01T04:00:21.243

Reputation: 9 376

1You don't have to create installation media, the tool can do an in-place upgrade, and does exactly what the Windows Update method does. I remove my comments as you requested, despite being accused of being hostile, when I wasn't being hostile. I actually was attempting to help you, sharing some information I know, I cannot fathom how that is being hostile. Microsoft has shared zero information on how they are rolling out the update, just that there are waves, and everyone will eventually be upgraded. – Ramhound – 2015-08-01T04:38:41.147

I have over 285 answers. I know what makes a good answer. My comment isn't an answer to this question, it is helpful and that command should work, my problem was caused because of a Acronis True Image driver conflict. – Ramhound – 2015-08-01T04:55:46.553


I found this article in the last 30 minutes. If you are not being prompted to actually perform the upgrade then you don't have the entire download.

– Ramhound – 2015-08-01T05:20:31.000

@Ramhound - great information, setting my expectations properly :) I don't mind if you could later transfer this into an answer. I'll gladly accept it. – miroxlav – 2015-08-01T05:26:30.493



  1. As @Ramhound said, the 4 GB of downloaded files was only one part. And it was just needed to wait. Later, when installation begun, another 4 GB download has launched. (Or was it a redownload?)

  2. The installation wave kept failing, multiple failures were seen in Windows Update history.

  3. Manual launch attempt using wuauclt.exe /updatenow was failing with error 80240020. Meaning of the error: the installer wants to pop-up a window for interaction with user and such an action is not allowed when running through Windows auto-updater. (In this case, it was window for acceptance of the license agreement.)

  4. Solution at helped.
    Create/Set DWORD registy value AllowOSUpgrade = 1 in key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade, close control panels and re-check for updates (from Windows Update control panel). Interactive installer now pops-up and the rest is fine.


Posted 2015-08-01T04:00:21.243

Reputation: 9 376