I can't add an unallocated partition to my primary partition


I have a 40.00 GB sized unallocated partition and is ticking me off because I can't extend my primary (C:) Partition. I checked on C: context menu and it will not let me extend it. I do know that the 40 GB Partition is unallocated. (I also have a 1 GB Partition) - Joseph

-- Meta Data -- Version: Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center Pack (9600) Processor: Intel Core i7 Storage: 1TB (Now 863.21 GB) -- End Meta Data --


Posted 2014-10-15T15:46:17.923

Reputation: 1 021



Using "Disk Management", unallocated space can be extended to an existing partition. Or, look for some third party tools that can easily move the unallocated space to an existing partition. Try GPartEd.


Posted 2014-10-15T15:46:17.923

Reputation: 5 693

It helped partially but I will take it! Thanks for the answer. I didn't use GPartEd. – juniorRubyist – 2014-10-24T23:53:16.700