How can I unzip a .tar.gz in one step (using 7-Zip)?



I am using 7-Zip on Windows XP and whenever I download a .tar.gz file it takes me two steps to completely extract the file(s).

  1. I right-click on the example.tar.gz file and choose 7-Zip --> Extract Here from the context menu.
  2. I then take the resulting example.tar file and the right-click again and choose 7-Zip --> Extract Here from the context menu.

Is there a way through the context menu to do this in one step?


Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 4 203



Not really. A .tar.gz or .tgz file really is two formats: .tar is the archive, and .gz is the compression. So the first step decompresses, and the second step extracts the archive.

To do it all in one step, you need the tar program. Cygwin includes this.

tar xzvf foobaz.tar.gz

; x = eXtract 
; z = filter through gZip
; v = be Verbose (show activity)
; f = filename

You could also do it "in one step" by opening the file in the 7-zip GUI: Open the .tar.gz file, double click the included .tar file, then extract those files to your location of choice.

There's a long running thread here of people asking/voting for one-step handling of tgz and bz2 files. The lack action thus far indicates it's not going to happen until someone steps and contributes meaningfully (code, money, something).

quack quixote

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 37 382

There is a new answer with the one-step instructions. – Barett – 2018-06-01T02:40:51.173

Is there a solution for users of 7-zip app on Windows OS, using context menu? – android developer – 2018-10-10T07:10:19.903

Yah, this is what I miss from WinRar's operation. I could confirm that up to today, Oct2012, 7zip still doesn't auto decompress with 1 step. sigh – fedmich – 2012-10-19T13:18:57.833

73If 7zip were smart, it would do it in one step by default, since 99.99% of the time that's what the user wants to do. In fact, this is WinRar's default operation. – davr – 2009-12-07T20:35:43.757

6@davr: 7-zip is an open source effort; feel free to request this feature. this is how v4.65 operates; i haven't tried the newer v9.x alphas, so it may already be included. – quack quixote – 2009-12-07T20:52:17.390

9Note that the "in one step" instructions doesn't actually do it in one step, it actually decompresses the .gz into a temporary folder, then opens the .tar file in 7-zip. When the archives are small enough, it's hardly noticeable, but it's very noticeable on large archives. Just thought that deserved clarification. – naasking – 2013-10-25T18:29:31.940


Old question, but I was struggling with it today so here's my 2c. The 7zip commandline tool "7z.exe" (I have v9.22 installed) can write to stdout and read from stdin so you can do without the intermediate tar file by using a pipe:

7z x "somename.tar.gz" -so | 7z x -aoa -si -ttar -o"somename"


x     = Extract with full paths command
-so   = write to stdout switch
-si   = read from stdin switch
-aoa  = Overwrite all existing files without prompt.
-ttar = Treat the stdin byte stream as a TAR file
-o    = output directory

See the help file (7-zip.chm) in the install directory for more info on the command line commands and switches.

You can create a context menu entry for .tar.gz/.tgz files that calls the above command using regedit or a 3rd party tool like stexbar.


Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 414

Good answer but the loop was not asked for by OP. Joachim's (similar) one-line answer is great and to the point! – Jason – 2018-06-07T23:31:52.500

@Jason that answer is exactly the same as my SO answer I may just edit this one...

– user2856 – 2018-06-07T23:35:40.613

what does the -aoa switch do? It's not listed in -? page – Superole – 2013-10-23T08:40:04.553

2..ahh but it is in the help file; -ao[a|s|t|u] (overwrite mode). thus: -aoa = overwrite all existing files w/o prompt – Superole – 2013-10-23T08:47:01.617


Starting with 7-zip 9.04 there is a command-line option to do the combined extraction without using intermediate storage for the plain .tar file:

7z x -tgzip -so theinputfile.tgz | 7z x -si -ttar

-tgzip is needed if the input file is named .tgz instead of .tar.gz.

Joachim Sauer

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 935

2Any way to get that into the Windows 10 Explorer context menu? – Brian says Reinstate Monica – 2018-08-29T19:57:48.553


You're using Windows XP, so you should have Windows Scripting Host installed by default. With that being said, here's a WSH JScript script to do what you need. Just copy the code to a file name xtract.bat or something along those lines (Can be whatever as long as it has the extension .bat), and run:

xtract.bat example.tar.gz

By default, the script will check the folder of the script, as well as your system's PATH environment variable for 7z.exe. If you want to change how it looks for stuff, you can change the SevenZipExe variable at the top of the script to whatever you want the executable name to be. (For instance, 7za.exe or 7z-real.exe) You can also set a default directory for the executable by changing SevenZipDir. So if 7z.exe is at C:\Windows\system32\7z.exe, you'd put:

var SevenZipDir = "C:\\Windows\\system32";

Anyways, here's the script:

@set @junk=1 /* vim:set ft=javascript:
@echo off
cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dpn0.bat" %*
goto :eof
/* Settings */
var SevenZipDir = undefined;
var SevenZipExe = "7z.exe";
var ArchiveExts = ["zip", "tar", "gz", "bzip", "bz", "tgz", "z", "7z", "bz2", "rar"]

/* Multi-use instances */
var WSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var __file__ = WScript.ScriptFullName;
var __dir__ = FSO.GetParentFolderName(__file__);
var PWD = WSH.CurrentDirectory;

/* Prototypes */
(function(obj) {
    obj.has = function object_has(key) {
        return defined(this[key]);
    return obj;

(function(str) {
    str.trim = function str_trim() {
        return this.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');

(function(arr) {
    arr.contains = function arr_contains(needle) {
        for (var i in this) {
            if (this[i] == needle) {
                return true;
        return false;

/* Utility functions */
function defined(obj)
    return typeof(obj) != "undefined";

function emptyStr(obj)
    return !(defined(obj) && String(obj).length);

/* WSH-specific Utility Functions */
function echo()
    if(!arguments.length) return;
    var msg = "";
    for (var n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) {
        msg += arguments[n];
        msg += " ";

function fatal(msg)
    echo("Fatal Error:", msg);

function findExecutable()
    // This function searches the directories in;
    // the PATH array for the specified file name;
    var dirTest = emptyStr(SevenZipDir) ? __dir__ : SevenZipDir;
    var exec = SevenZipExe;
    var strTestPath = FSO.BuildPath(dirTest, exec);
    if (FSO.FileExists(strTestPath))
        return FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strTestPath);

    var arrPath = String(
            dirTest + ";" + 

    for(var i in arrPath) {
        // Skip empty directory values, caused by the PATH;
        // variable being terminated with a semicolon;
        if (arrPath[i] == "")

        // Build a fully qualified path of the file to test for;
        strTestPath = FSO.BuildPath(arrPath[i], exec);

        // Check if (that file exists;
        if (FSO.FileExists(strTestPath))
            return FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strTestPath);
    return "";

function readall(oExec)
    if (!oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)
      return oExec.StdOut.ReadAll();

    if (!oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream)
      return oExec.StdErr.ReadAll();

    return -1;

function xtract(exec, archive)
    var splitExt = /^(.+)\.(\w+)$/;
    var strTmp = FSO.GetFileName(archive);
    WSH.CurrentDirectory = FSO.GetParentFolderName(archive);
    while(true) {
        var pathParts = splitExt.exec(strTmp);
        if(!pathParts) {
            echo("No extension detected for", strTmp + ".", "Skipping..");

        var ext = pathParts[2].toLowerCase();
        if(!ArchiveExts.contains(ext)) {
            echo("Extension", ext, "not recognized. Skipping.");

        echo("Extracting", strTmp + "..");
        var oExec = WSH.Exec('"' + exec + '" x -bd "' + strTmp + '"');
        var allInput = "";
        var tryCount = 0;

        while (true)
            var input = readall(oExec);
            if (-1 == input) {
                if (tryCount++ > 10 && oExec.Status == 1)
             } else {
                  allInput += input;
                  tryCount = 0;

        if(oExec. ExitCode!= 0) {
            echo("Non-zero return code detected.");


        strTmp = pathParts[1];
    WSH.CurrentDirectory = PWD;

function printUsage()
    echo("Usage:\r\n", __file__, "archive1 [archive2] ...");

function main(args)
    var exe = findExecutable();
        fatal("Could not find 7zip executable.");

    if(!args.length || args(0) == "-h" || args(0) == "--help" || args(0) == "/?")

    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        var archive = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(args(i));
        if(!FSO.FileExists(archive)) {
            echo("File", archive, "does not exist. Skipping..");
        xtract(exe, archive);


Charles Grunwald

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 159

Not that I'm aware of. I initially found it in the following source repository: It works, because the WSH jscript engine apparently ignores the first bit, up until the comment begins. More information can be found at:

– Charles Grunwald – 2013-06-11T01:39:04.833

found this: which seems to indicate that @set @var = value is JScript syntax for declaring compile-time variables. So it's both valid JScript and a CMD command

– hdgarrood – 2013-06-11T10:36:22.287


As you can see 7-Zip is not very good at this. People have been asking for tarball atomic operation since 2009. Here is a small program (490 KB) in Go that can do it, I compiled it for you.

package main
import (

func main() {
  flag.Parse() // get the arguments from command line
  sourcefile := flag.Arg(0)
  if sourcefile == "" {
    fmt.Println("Usage : go-untar sourcefile.tar.gz")
  file, err := os.Open(sourcefile)
  if err != nil {
  defer file.Close()
  var fileReader io.ReadCloser = file
  // just in case we are reading a tar.gz file,
  // add a filter to handle gzipped file
  if strings.HasSuffix(sourcefile, ".gz") {
    if fileReader, err = gzip.NewReader(file); err != nil {
    defer fileReader.Close()
  tarBallReader := tar.NewReader(fileReader)
  // Extracting tarred files
  for {
    header, err := tarBallReader.Next()
    if err != nil {
      if err == io.EOF {
    // get the individual filename and extract to the current directory
    filename := header.Name
    switch header.Typeflag {
    case tar.TypeDir:
      // handle directory
      fmt.Println("Creating directory :", filename)
      // or use 0755 if you prefer
      err = os.MkdirAll(filename, os.FileMode(header.Mode))
      if err != nil {
    case tar.TypeReg:
      // handle normal file
      fmt.Println("Untarring :", filename)
      writer, err := os.Create(filename)
      if err != nil {
      io.Copy(writer, tarBallReader)
      err = os.Chmod(filename, os.FileMode(header.Mode))
      if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Unable to untar type : %c in file %s", header.Typeflag,

Steven Penny

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 7 294


Starting from Windows 10 build 17063, tar and curl are supported, therefore it is possible to unzip a .tar.gz file in one step by using tar command, as below.

tar -xzvf your_archive.tar.gz

Type tar --help for more information about tar.

Juniver Hazoic

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 11

tar, curl, ssh, sftp, rmb pasting and wider screen. Users are spoiled rotten. – mckenzm – 2019-04-23T03:54:28.280


7za is work properly as below:

7za.exe x D:\pkg-temp\Prod-Rtx-Service.tgz -so | 7za.exe x -si -ttar -oD:\pkg-temp\Prod-Rtx-Service

Alan Hu

Posted 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

Reputation: 1

3Can you add some context around how this command works? Please see [answer] and take our [tour]. – Burgi – 2018-08-31T09:08:53.753