Terminator and Zsh: ctrl+D not closing session


I've been a Terminator and zsh user for a while with consistent profiles across several machines.

However, on a freshly installed Linux Mint machine, for some reason Ctrl+D (EOT) isn't closing the window/tab/session/panel.

It appears to leave the z-session (i.e. dropping down to the next line on the console with no prompt) but the session is being 'kept alive' somehow instead of closing like it should.

Any ideas what's gone wrong?

EDIT: Tried in regular boring terminal / xterm and the same behaviour persists, so it's a zsh issue. .zsh config here

Andrew Bolster

Posted 2014-01-12T15:48:04.317

Reputation: 1 198

Does this also happen, when you didn't start any programs in the terminal? I know this behavior if I've run some X program over ssh in this terminal. CTRL-C usually terminates what-so-ever is still active in the background. – mpy – 2014-01-12T17:29:26.640

@mpy nope, open a new terminator instance (or terminal actually, so I guess it's a zsh problem) and ctrl-d doesn't have the intended effect. – Andrew Bolster – 2014-01-12T21:09:53.083

Can you try without oh-my-zsh, i.e. do a exec zsh -f and try CTRL-D again. – mpy – 2014-01-12T21:20:13.363

@mpy Nope, same behaviour – Andrew Bolster – 2014-01-13T17:53:03.647



This behavior is definied with setopt IGNORE_EOF in your config file.

You can just remove this line and it should work.

If you need more info, check this.


Posted 2014-01-12T15:48:04.317

Reputation: 203

Fixes. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was doing, it was really late when I answered the question... – caarlos0 – 2015-09-29T13:25:53.357

unsetopt ignoreeof also works. Add that to your ~/.zshrc – Davi Lima – 2015-10-30T10:46:06.650