I get the following error (and yes I know this has been reported many times, but please read further): VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot.
The issue is that Virtualisation is enabled in my BIOS and I also made sure my BIOS is upgraded to the latest version.
Here is the thing: I used VirtualBox on the same machine, but with Windows 7 and I could run exactly the same x64 guest images.
See also this answer: http://superuser.com/a/700414/84776
– steenhulthin – 2014-06-20T10:07:14.803This is a known limitation of having Hyper-V installed. This is pretty much the same reason you cannot have VMWare installed and enable Hyper-V. – Ramhound – 2013-11-12T12:26:19.527
@Ramhound yes well, I did not know that it is such a "known limitation". See my edit to my answer.
– Francois Nel – 2013-11-12T12:59:49.060