Can I disable OS X Lion Autosave and Versions?



In OS X Lion, there is a new feature which provides auto-saving and versioning functionality. I would like to disable this functionality - I just don't want it.

I have a workflow that involves my trigger finger on cmd-S, I use my own VCS when necessary, I save as compulsively and I open applications like TextEdit and Preview as temporary notepads without wanting any changes saved automatically and without a stupid unlock dialog that then records my changes when I only want to see the changes and not record them.

So, is it possible to turn off Versions without rolling back to 10.6?

PS: Just asking how to disable, not for a discussion of the pros and cons of the features.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 1 103



It can be done by running the following Terminal command (for Preview in this example):

defaults write $(osascript -e 'id of application "Preview"') ApplePersistence -bool no

Replace Preview in the above command with the name of whatever app you want to perform this on.

For TextEdit you must additionally run the following command, in order to avoid sandbox errors:

defaults write AutosavingDelay -int 0

Also see this answer on Ask Different.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660


+1 for actually SHOWING an answer instead of just lamely linking without even a cliff-notes blurb. And I HATE 'watch this video' answers... – lornix – 2012-06-24T08:17:00.633

@user142040 If I remember to try this when I have a working machine (hopefully soon), I will and will report back. I like this idea. I hope it doesn't break the machine.... (consequently any reports from those who have tried it and encountered problems would be appreciated). – Philip – 2012-07-15T02:22:46.577

You and @user23369 are my new personal heroes. – Philip – 2012-07-23T00:50:07.567


Go to system preferences, general tab, and check the box that says; ask to keep changes when closing documents. When you get out of that document a window appears that will ask you to revert changes. That is the option you need to click.

This will close out the window without saving any changes.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 39

This must be new in Mountain Lion, yes? I'll give it a shot. Any idea how this will interact if I've already done the terminal commands in the accepted answer? – Philip – 2012-11-17T08:56:25.600


As of 10.8.4 "autosave" is applied to all applications including Xcode. This is especially problematic for webapp scripters who may find their unexpectedly autosaved Python scripts crashing Apache without their permission. the above given terminal command works to stop Xcode's autosave:

defaults write $(osascript -e 'id of application "Xcode"') ApplePersistence -bool False

As of this writing, "Ask to keep changes when closing documents" is broken with Xcode, so clicking the red button will save a script without asking. So if your cat walked on the keyboard and you closed the window, Apache may crash from the cat's scripting.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 13


You have to turn of versions (or whatever it's called) in Time Machine dialog (Lock documents X days after last use) - video here.

If you want you can remove the option to reopen files in the System Preferences screen under general. (Restore windows when quitting an reopening) Video on that here.

Please add a personalized "Personal Hero" message to the social media site of your choice and link here.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 2 716

1This setting does not disable versions. It just adds a warning message when you try to edit a document after e.g. 1 day (minimum time period). It will still be saved every few minutes while editing. – Daniel Beck – 2012-01-24T20:11:22.007

1Autosaving is application specific an handled independently within each application. Versions is a function of the Time Machine and is handled within that. – skub – 2012-01-24T21:53:36.470

@skub +1 for letting me disable there a quick way to disable autosave application by application? – Philip – 2012-01-26T02:04:54.203


Yes, you can disable Versions globally, I described it here:

How to disable Versions in OS X Lion

I found no way to disable autosave.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 119


The problem is complicated if you use hardware or software RAID, since Mountain Lion cannot create a recovery partition on a RAID volume (where RAID volume = any physical drive with at least one RAID-enabled partition).

Users running a Server version of the OS will typically come up against this limitation but it can affect anyone with a desktop and a RAID card.

Without a recovery partition, Time Machine Control Panel in System Preferences is disabled (greyed out).

I am still working out whether creating a Time Machine backup on another drive will allow the behaviour we're seeking.


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 1

1Are there any references for this information. Seems like there might be some potential resources that expand upon this issue, if so please add them to this answer. – slm – 2013-02-02T18:45:58.153


You cannot disable Autosave.

The only thing you can do is to go back to Snow Leopard (as I did).


Posted 2012-01-24T19:46:19.660

Reputation: 11