Windows batch file if else usage



Sorry I am new to this stuff. I'd like to run in a certain sequence the same bat file with different parameters. I wrote a very simple batch file:

@echo off

REM Note: to see all command line usage options, run bsearch_headless.bat without any arguments.

call behaviorsearch_headless.bat -p test_behaviorsearch.bsearch -o pippo

IF EXIST pippo.finalBests.csv (call behaviorsearch_headless.bat -p test_behaviorsearch.bsearch -o topolino)
else goto :eof  

ECHO Simulatione End!

It does not work because else is not recognized.

Many thanks for any help!


Posted 2013-03-15T23:12:03.857

Reputation: 91

Obviously, if is not the problem you are asking about, but doesn’t the ECHO in the middle of your batch file need to be ECHO. or something? – Scott – 2013-03-15T23:41:03.370

Have I answered your question? – BDM – 2013-03-17T05:11:18.840



From the if documentation on the command line (via help if or available in TechNet too).

The ELSE clause must occur on the same line as the command after the IF. For example:

IF EXIST filename. (
    del filename.
) ELSE (
    echo filename. missing.

The following would NOT work because the del command needs to be terminated by a newline:

IF EXIST filename. del filename. ELSE echo filename. missing

Nor would the following work, since the ELSE command must be on the same line as the end of the IF command:

IF EXIST filename. del filename.
ELSE echo filename. missing

So, your script would work if you replaced

IF EXIST pippo.finalBests.csv (call behaviorsearch_headless.bat -p test_behaviorsearch.bsearch -o topolino)
else goto :eof 


IF EXIST pippo.finalBests.csv (call behaviorsearch_headless.bat -p test_behaviorsearch.bsearch -o topolino) else goto :eof


IF EXIST pippo.finalBests.csv (
    call behaviorsearch_headless.bat -p test_behaviorsearch.bsearch -o topolino
) else (
    goto :eof

Hope that helps.


Posted 2013-03-15T23:12:03.857

Reputation: 357



@IF EXIST "C:\boot.ini" (
@ECHO WoW! It may be M$Windows! 
) ELSE (
@ECHO Boot.ini Lost! My precious! Stolen! 
@ECHO Wait 10 sec ...
@ping -n 10 > NUL


Posted 2013-03-15T23:12:03.857

Reputation: 6 180

1What's with all the @s? – BDM – 2013-03-15T23:37:05.500

@ProfPickle Hides map commands. Sample @ECHO OFF and ECHO OFF. – STTR – 2013-03-15T23:49:49.950

1I know, but you don't need to use it once you put echo off. – BDM – 2013-03-15T23:56:34.623

1@ProfPickle Yes, it is, but there have been times and programs ignore ECHO OFF but perceiving @. Think of it as a tribute to my paranoia or historical cases). – STTR – 2013-03-16T00:02:21.510

1Fair enough, I understand paranoia. – BDM – 2013-03-16T00:03:44.940