How do I convert a video to GIF using ffmpeg, with reasonable quality?



I'm converting a video to GIF file with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -ss 00:00:00.000 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -s 320x240 -t 00:00:10.000 output.gif

It works great, but output gif file has a very low quality.

Any ideas how can I improve quality of converted gif?

Kamil Hismatullin

Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 3 461



ffmpeg example

GIF output from ffmpeg

ffmpeg can output high quality GIF. Before you start it is always recommended to use a recent version: download or compile.

ffmpeg -ss 30 -t 3 -i input.mp4 -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 output.gif
  • This example will skip the first 30 seconds (-ss 30) of the input and create a 3 second output (-t 3).
  • fps filter sets the frame rate. A rate of 10 frames per second is used in the example.
  • scale filter will resize the output to 320 pixels wide and automatically determine the height while preserving the aspect ratio. The lanczos scaling algorithm is used in this example.
  • palettegen and paletteuse filters will generate and use a custom palette generated from your input. These filters have many options, so refer to the links for a list of all available options and values. Also see the Advanced options section below.
  • split filter will allow everything to be done in one command and avoids having to create a temporary PNG file of the palette.
  • Control looping with -loop output option but the values are confusing. A value of 0 is infinite looping, -1 is no looping, and 1 will loop once meaning it will play twice. So a value of 10 will cause the GIF to play 11 times.

Advanced options

The palettegen and paletteuse filters have many additional options. The most important are:

  • stats_mode (palettegen). You can force the filters to focus the palette on the general picture (full which is the default), only the moving parts (diff), or each individual frame (single). For example, to generate a palette for each individual frame use palettegen=stats_mode=single & paletteuse=new=1.

  • dither (paletteuse). Choose the dithering algorithm. There are three main types: deterministic (bayer), error diffusion (all the others including the default sierra2_4a), and none. Your GIF may look better using a particular dithering algorithm, or no dithering at all. If you want to try bayer be sure to test the bayer_scale option too.

See High quality GIF with FFmpeg for explanations, example images, and more detailed info for advanced usage.

Also see the palettegen and paletteuse documentation for all available options and values.

ImageMagick convert example

GIF output from ffmpeg

Another command-line method is to pipe from ffmpeg to convert (or magick) from ImageMagick.

 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos" -c:v pam -f image2pipe - | convert -delay 10 - -loop 0 -layers optimize output.gif

ffmpeg options:

  • -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos" a filtergraph using the fps and scale filters. fps sets frame rate to 10, and scale sets the size to 320 pixels wide and height is automatically determined and uses a value that preserves the aspect ratio. The lanczos scaling algorithm is used in this example.

  • -c:v pam Chooses the pam image encoder. The example outputs the PAM (Portable AnyMap) image format which is a simple, lossless RGB format that supports transparency (alpha) and is supported by convert. It is faster to encode than PNG.

  • -f image2pipe chooses the image2pipe muxer because when outputting to a pipe ffmpeg needs to be told which muxer to use.

convert options:

  • -delay See Setting frame rate section below.

  • -loop 0 makes infinite loop.

  • -layers optimize Will enable the general purpose GIF optimizer. See ImageMagick Animation Optimization for more details. It is not guaranteed that it will produce a smaller output, so it is worth trying without -layers optimize and comparing results.

Setting frame rate

Set frame rate with a combination of the fps filter in ffmpeg and -delay in convert. This can get complicated because convert just gets a raw stream of images so no fps is preserved. Secondly, the -delay value in convert is in ticks (there are 100 ticks per second), not in frames per second. For example, with fps=12.5 = 100/12.5 = 8 = -delay 8.

convert rounds the -delay value to a whole number, so 8.4 results in 8 and 8.5 results in 9. This effectively means that only some frame rates are supported when setting a uniform delay over all frames (a specific delay can be set per frame but that is beyond this answer).

-delay appears to be ignored if used as an output option, so it has to be used before - as shown in the example.

Lastly, browsers and image viewers may implement a minimum delay, so your -delay may get ignored anyway.

Video courtesy of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 31 929

@LordNeckbeard - the convert option worked brilliantly - also using an ancient version of ffmpeg directly got a file size of 300Mb with rubbish output, whilst the high quality one from convert was 13Mb... – Wilf – 2014-07-05T23:00:18.000

6By the way, for the convert command for converting from the PNG frames I ended up using convert -delay 5 -loop 0 -dither None -colors 80 "frames/ffout*.png" -fuzz "40%" -layers OptimizeFrame "output.gif", which reduces the overall file size quite a bit – Wilf – 2014-07-24T13:58:49.170

1I think the convert command should be using -delay 10 (0.1 seconds between frames) to match the -r 10 (10 fps) frame rate you're feeding to ffmpeg. When I use -delay 5, I see the gif play at double speed. – Jack O'Connor – 2014-09-27T00:16:34.060

Is it it possible to crop a few pixels from the resulting GIF? I love these funny GIF from real movies/cartoons scenes, but I've found one, with a bad quality, in which the top... 5cm, more or less, is damaged. If I need to open a new thread I'll gladly – Bruno Augusto – 2016-05-15T21:40:08.970

Bravo! I used the "ffmpeg example" to convert a CamStudio recording of my screen showing a RAID5 parity recovery of a flash drive RAID5 array. The recovery took about an hour. During that time, I teed the output to a text file. The video was actually the recording of my parsing the text. the AVI was 1.4 GB; the GIF was 2.5 MB. – user38537 – 2016-05-29T04:23:17.360

In the second approach, you can use ffmpeg instead of imagick. All you need to do, is to use the image2 demuxer's framrate option, so you can set the delay between individual frames: ffmpeg -framerate -i frames/ffout*.png output.gif – Gergely Lukacsy – 2016-06-02T09:35:08.340

Your ffmpeg example has become a common enough workflow for me that I wrote a bash wrapper script to automate it. Sharing here:

– Jordan – 2016-09-20T16:22:49.607

How if i don't want to set the scale, i need to make him the the video's scale automatically? – Mousa Alfhaily – 2017-09-16T12:07:35.687

2Okay, I've got it, i used scale=0:-1, so when you set the scale to 0, it will take the scale from the video. – Mousa Alfhaily – 2017-09-16T12:20:01.333

Giphy Engineering has released a nice article recently explaining all the options:

– Marcus Mangelsdorf – 2018-04-30T09:54:55.187

@LordNeckbeard How to can I modify your code to take let's say from a particular interval of a movie of let's say between 00:24:45 to 00:25:52? I tried to use the seek command and it did not work!. Can you perhaps help me with this?. I would like to know how to make it work with the palette you say to make and use ffmpeg to build up from that the gif. Btw I used the code as you mention and it works but to take a sample from longer intervals such as I mentioned is not very practical as I have to translate the minutes or hours to seconds. – Chris Steinbeck Bell – 2018-07-16T08:25:00.260

@LordNeckbeard Also the framerate you use how did you obtained?. Does it come from the input movie or is it just a random value that you chosen? – Chris Steinbeck Bell – 2018-07-16T08:25:18.453

@ChrisSteinbeckBell I chose a value low enough to make the GIF smaller in file size, but high enough to look acceptable. You'll just have to experiment depending on your content. – llogan – 2018-07-17T19:38:12.043

@LordNeckbeard Thanks for replying back, but I'd appreciate you could help me with the part of the code regarding time as I'm not too saavy enough to do that modification by myself. As I mentioned I tried to use seek command as ffmpeg documentation suggests the way of -ss 00:24:25 to 00:25:52 – Chris Steinbeck Bell – 2018-07-18T02:04:06.853

@LordNeckbeard just after the input but I can't make ffmpeg to interpret the command the way I need, perhaps can you help me with that?. I'd be really grateful. – Chris Steinbeck Bell – 2018-07-18T02:04:25.737

@ChrisSteinbeckBell Might be worth asking this as a new question and I or someone else can help. Comments may be too limited. – llogan – 2018-07-18T17:20:42.510

Trying the very first command - to generate the pallette (with ffmpeg-4.0.1): Option 'flags' not found. ffmpeg would've been a lot more useful, if the developers knew the concept of backwards compatibility... – Mikhail T. – 2018-07-21T19:01:48.693

@MikhailT. Works for me. Please show your actual command and the complete log. You can use a pastebin site and provide the link here. – llogan – 2018-07-21T19:32:03.993

Err, never mind. I tried removing the scale=360 part and that didn't work. Don't know, why... – Mikhail T. – 2018-07-21T19:41:22.277

1@MikhailT. The full scale part is scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos. The flags is an option for scale. I probably should not have included that in the example as it increased complexity of the example. – llogan – 2018-07-21T21:17:44.500

2This Q&A must be permanently encoded in a tome (or maybe just "pinned" for now) because in a hundred years from now all communication will be done via memes. I think the activity on this post alone speaks to that. – Jonathan Neufeld – 2018-10-07T08:15:21.300

What is [x] ?? Why nobody on the whole earh mentioned this [x]? – user1308990 – 2019-01-29T13:39:31.827


@user1308990 [x] is just the label of the output coming from the fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos filterchain. The label is then referred to by other, separate filterchains or the output file. The label can be almost any arbitrary name, so you could rename it to whatever makes most sense to you. See FFmpeg Filtering: Introduction for more info.

– llogan – 2019-01-30T22:25:32.650


For the ffmpeg-only solution, I encourage the use of this brilliant single call with filter graph solution from @alijandro

– Leonid Usov – 2019-07-27T10:22:21.443

Please describe all options, what is -c:v pam? – Vitaly Zdanevich – 2019-12-16T21:02:47.403

1@VitalyZdanevich Answer updated. – llogan – 2019-12-16T21:34:53.427

4Added some example results (just still frames though). Here, the first file is 4.1 MB, the second around 8 MB. – slhck – 2013-02-22T21:44:43.320

2@LordNeckbeard, you are awesome! much thanks for -vf scale=320:-1,format=rgb8,format=rgb24 – Kamil Hismatullin – 2013-02-22T21:53:44.860


If you would prefer to avoid intermediate image files, the commands provided by LordNeckBeard can be piped between ffmpeg and ImageMagick's convert so that no intermediate files are required:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -vf scale=320:-1 -r 10 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm - | convert -delay 5 -loop 0 - output.gif

The -f image2pipe tells ffmpeg to split the video into images and make it suitable to be piped out, and -vcodec ppm specifies the output format to be ppm (for some reason if the format is png, either convert does not read all the images from the pipe, or ffmpeg does not output them all). The - for both commands specifies that a pipe will be used for output and input respectively.

To optimize the result without saving a file, you can pipe the output from convert to a second convert command:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -vf scale=320:-1 -r 10 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm - | convert -delay 5 -loop 0 - gif:- | convert -layers Optimize - output.gif

The gif:- tells convert to pipe its output as gif formatted data and -layers Optimize tells the second convert to perform optimize-frame and optimize-transparancy methods (see the ImageMagick Introduction to Animation Optimization). Note that the output from the -layers Optimize may not always provide a smaller file size, so you may want to try converting to a gif without optimization first to be sure.

Remember that during this whole process everything is in memory so you may need sufficient memory if the images are quite large.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 989

1This set of commands also works with avconv – raphael – 2015-12-09T02:00:57.113

You should merge the last two convert commands: convert -delay 5 -loop 0 -layers Optimize - output.gif – Clément – 2016-07-05T05:50:04.337

The gif appears to be running at 2x the speed of the source video? – Titan – 2016-10-10T13:28:56.777

@Titan believe it's the -r 10 in the first command and the -delay 5 in the second. I changed the delay to 10 also and it seems to play normally now. – Steven Huang – 2017-01-08T04:28:50.233

2You can also avoid intermediate image files by using the split filter in ffmpeg. No need to pipe anything at all: ffmpeg -ss 30 -t 3 -i "input.flv fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[x][z];[z]palettegen[y];[x][y]paletteuse" output.gif – Ajedi32 – 2017-01-08T23:26:06.567

Is there a way to maintain the scale? For example, my video file is 904:774. How do I do it without setting scale=320:-1? Is there a way to automate it without exploding the size? – Sudhir Khanger – 2018-09-07T07:08:35.020


As of ffmpeg 2.6, we can do even better:


ffmpeg -i input.flv -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $palette
ffmpeg -i input.flv -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y output.gif



Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 481


The answer from @Stephane is very good. But it will get a warning like Buffer queue overflow, dropping. for some video, and the generated gif has some frame dropped.

Here is a better version with fifo filter to avoid Buffer queue overflow when using paletteuse filter. By using split filter to avoid the creation of intermediate palette PNG file.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex 'fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split [o1] [o2];[o1] palettegen [p]; [o2] fifo [o3];[o3] [p] paletteuse' out.gif


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 301

If I understand that correctly, you are splitting the input into o1 and o2, and copying o2 to o3. So why do you need o3? Why not just use o2 directly? – Chloe – 2018-09-28T23:26:39.683

1@Chloe Did you see the fifo filter operation between o2 and o3? To avoid the Buffer queue overflow warning. – alijandro – 2018-10-23T01:45:03.920

+1 This works really well for me (and resolved the issue referenced). – Iain Collins – 2018-12-17T13:56:16.047

1I absolutely love this solution. Kudos! – Leonid Usov – 2019-07-27T10:18:58.877


I made my own version of the script, which parameterizes the output resolution and frame rate as well.

Running ./ output.gif 720 10 will output 720p wide 10fps GIF from the movie you gave it. You might need to do chmod +x for the file.




ffmpeg -v warning -i "$1" -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y "$palette"
ffmpeg -v warning -i "$1" -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y "$2"

You can read the details on my Github

Assumptions: ffmpeg is installed, and the script is in the same folder as the other files.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 365

3Thank you so much for your script. I just tested it and it works great! – orschiro – 2016-02-05T09:32:48.317


The ffmpeg with palette method can be run in a single command, without intermediary .png file.

ffmpeg -y -ss 30 -t 3 -i input.flv -filter_complex \
"fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x]split[x1][x2]; \
[x1]palettegen[p];[x2][p]paletteuse" output.gif

This can be done thanks to the split filter.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 131


made a script, tested and works.


./ ./vokoscreen-2015-05-28_12-41-56.avi





# default settings, modify if you want.

START_AT_SECOND=0; # in seconds, if you want to skip the first 30 seconds put 30 here

LENGTH_OF_GIF_VIDEO=9999999; # in seconds, how long the gif animation should be

echo "Generate a palette:"
ffmpeg -y -ss $START_AT_SECOND -t $LENGTH_OF_GIF_VIDEO -i $INPUT -vf fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png

echo "Output the GIF using the palette:"
ffmpeg -ss $START_AT_SECOND -t $LENGTH_OF_GIF_VIDEO -i $INPUT -i palette.png -filter_complex "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" $INPUT.gif

btw: vokoscreen is an EXCELLENT ScreenCapturing tool for Linux :)

THANKS A LOT Michael Kohaupt :) Rock steady.

some file size stats:

5.3M = vokoscreen-2015-04-28_15-43-17.avi -> vokoscreen-2015-05-28_12-41-56.avi.gif = 1013K

see the results here.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 231



Following @LordNeckbeard approach with ffmpeg command, please find the following useful Bash function which can be added into your ~/.bash_profile file:

# Convert video to gif file.
# Usage: video2gif video_file (scale) (fps)
video2gif() {
  ffmpeg -y -i "${1}" -vf fps=${3:-10},scale=${2:-320}:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen "${1}.png"
  ffmpeg -i "${1}" -i "${1}.png" -filter_complex "fps=${3:-10},scale=${2:-320}:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" "${1}".gif
  rm "${1}.png"

Once the function is loaded (manually or from . ~/.bash_profile), you should have new video2gif command.

Example usage:

video2gif input.flv


video2gif input.flv 320 10

Scale to 320 width with 10 frames per second.

You can also specify a different video format (such as mp4).


You can try GIF Brewery app which can create GIFs from video files.

Alternatively there are several websites which are doing conversion online free of charge.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 16 795

your script raises an error for me about no png file and I get no gif output, but the .mp4 input file remains unchanged – lacostenycoder – 2019-03-08T15:49:40.977


The selected answer assumes you wish to scale the source video and change its fps in the gif produced. If you do not need to do this, the following works:


ffmpeg -i $src -vf palettegen -y $palette
ffmpeg -i $src -i $palette -lavfi paletteuse -y $dest

This came in handy when I wanted a gif that faithfully recreated the source video I was using.

Jet Blue

Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 207


For windows users:
create video2gif.bat file in windows directory with these content:

@echo off
set arg1=%1
set arg2=%arg1:~0,-4%
ffmpeg -y -i %arg1% -vf fps=10,scale=-1:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen %TEMP%\palette.png
ffmpeg -i %arg1% -i %TEMP%\palette.png -filter_complex "fps=10,scale=-1:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" %arg2%.gif
del /f %TEMP%\palette.png

And then anywhere you can use it be like this example:

video2gif myvideo.mp4

Then you have myvideo.gif in current directory.
If myvideo.gif there is existed, question from you for overwrite it.


I suggest use this batch script:

Nabi K.A.Z.

Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 227


I see that you have done two things here: (1) written the commands as a Windows (.BAT) command script, and  (2) provided a different combination of filters (none of the other answers uses both fps=10 and scale=-1:-1).  Sun’s answer already gave us a batch file, and that one (like the shell scripts in pje’s answer and thevangelist’s answer) has the advantage that it assigns the list of filters to a variable (once),  … (Cont’d)

– Scott – 2017-04-21T19:09:28.910


(Cont’d) …  so it doesn’t need to spell out the list twice (as your batch file does).   (I presume that this creates a risk that, if the user edits the script to change one of the lists but not the other, the inconsistency will cause a problem.)   Can you at least explain your choice of filters (fps=10,scale=-1:-1)?   (See notedible’s answer for an example of an explanation of parts of a command.)

– Scott – 2017-04-21T19:09:39.237


@Scott You said correct, so I write a new useful script in here:

– Nabi K.A.Z. – 2017-04-23T06:46:30.507


Below is the batch file for Windows users:


set start_time=0
set duration=60
set palette="c:\temp\palette.png"
set filters="fps=15,scale=-1:-1:flags=lanczos"
ffmpeg -v warning -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %1 -vf "%filters%,palettegen" -y %palette%
ffmpeg -v warning -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %1 -i %palette% -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y %2

Source: High quality GIF with FFmpeg: Extracting just a sample

If you just want to use one input variable and have the output name have just the GIF (pronounced JIF) extension, then use this instead:

set start_time=0
set duration=60
set palette="c:\temp\palette.png"
set filters="fps=15,scale=-1:-1:flags=lanczos"
ffmpeg -v warning -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %1 -vf "%filters%,palettegen" -y %palette%
set var1=%1
set var2=%var1:~0,-4%
ffmpeg -v warning -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %1 -i %palette% -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y %var2%.gif


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 5 198


How to add a windows 7/10 "right-click" context menu entry to convert your video file to gif

Some of the other answers mentioned the video2gif script, which I used. But, you could use any script.

To create the context-menu option, you need to edit your registry. Open a powershell command prompt, running w/ admin privs. Execute these commands:

$key = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\`*\shell\Run Video2Gif"
New-Item -Path $key"\Command" -Value "C:\dev\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-3.4.2-win64-static\bin\video2gif.bat `"%1`"" -Force

Now when you right click a file you'll have a "Run Video2Gif" option!

btw I installed ffmpeg to C:\dev\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-3.4.2-win64-static\ and put the video2gif.bat script in the bin dir right next to ffmpeg.exe. I also added C:\dev\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-3.4.2-win64-static\bin to my windows PATH, but I don't think you need to.

If you want the option of being able to supply some extra command line flags / args to the script, then make a new file named video2gif-prompt.bat, and have the registry referce it instead of video2gif.bat:

@echo off
set /p inp=Enter extrta args, if desired:
C:\dev\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-3.4.2-win64-static\bin\video2gif.bat %* %inp%

You can still just hit enter to quickly get the defaults.


Posted 2013-02-22T20:06:30.063

Reputation: 171