How do I view my clipboard history on OS X?



I am often copying and pasting various tidbits of information, and then forgetting to save it. I would copy something else and lose what I had in the clipboard before.

Is there some sort of built-in way to view the history of the clipboard, or do I have to install a program?

Josh Hunt

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 20 095

2I've tried a few 3rd-party programs, but actually found none that clears its history based on time rather than based on some number of entries. I don't want my Mac to remember the last xx copy actions, but want it to remember the last xx minutes. (Or, even if the number of entries is limited: at least remove the history after some time.) – Arjan – 2009-08-02T12:26:26.867

3@Arjan - sounds like you should write that app. – Darren Newton – 2009-08-03T12:12:08.743

@Arjan or hire somebody on fiverr to do it.. used to be $5 might be a bit more now but not much – barlop – 2019-07-02T00:23:28.337



There's a multitude of applications that do this, but no built-in one.

FlyCut, an open source fork of Jumpcut FlyCut, an open source fork of Jumpcut

  1. Jumpcut
    • Open source and free.
    • Even simpler.
    • Install via: brew cask install jumpcut.
  2. Flycut (Mac App Store link)
    • A fork of Jumpcut with a few added features
    • Free in the Mac App Store
  3. Copy 'em Paste Screenshot of Copy' em Paste on the right
    • A paid, but simpler and cheaper alternative. Tries to exactly one thing well.
  4. Alfred Powerpack
    • Another paid alternative, with great clipboard history management as part of its pack. See Dan Udeys answer.
  5. Clyppan
    • Used to be open source, then closed source and available in the Mac App Store (for approx. £2), but is now no longer available for download.
    • Simple.


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 3 562

1Flycut is awesome! – Dolphin – 2014-07-24T11:37:27.400

Clyppan was excellent, but is no longer under development and has some bugs in Yosemite. – Dalin – 2015-04-20T13:41:59.127

Now I'm in love with this one -- -- though I was last using Flycut, which does work nicely but it's a bit too simple. Copy 'Em Paste is insanely good, IMHO... of course, everyone has different needs, especially for this kind of util

– Dan Rosenstark – 2015-05-14T00:29:21.177

2This may not be a requirement for everyone, but neither Clyppan nor Jumpcut have some time-limited history. (I just opened Clyppan after not using it for some time, and it gave me my history of May 24th...) – Arjan – 2009-08-02T12:59:35.137

Does Flycut support Rich Text Format content, or am I missing something? ---Oh it doesn't.

– Franklin Yu – 2016-11-08T18:26:43.820

3Clyppan is now proprietary... – thSoft – 2011-08-04T23:29:41.020


I realise that the question has been answered, but here is another recommendation for a clipboard history manager:


Menubar item:

alt text

Hovering menu (hotkey):

alt text

Apart from the menubar and floating window, it also has customisable 'actions' that allow you to manipulate text as you paste it (e.g., uppercase everything), and support for snippets to hold commonly pasted text.

In my experiences it is easily the best of the simple clipboard managers.


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 2 400

Love it, looks like the one I used on Windows. – Vadorequest – 2016-10-24T15:52:05.477

ClipMenu seems to have gone away? The download links all 404. :( It really is a great little utility. – Adrian – 2017-08-04T15:57:46.083

1 – Alex – 2019-02-11T14:35:26.597


Download links are dead but you can still download it from here ->

– Ehsan Khaveh – 2019-02-19T09:48:46.237

1This is a good one. – ybakos – 2010-12-21T17:46:47.553

1I like that this one seems to handle images, and show them inline in the history too. – bacar – 2011-08-20T14:02:41.770

Its simple and free. – Mark Levison – 2011-11-18T02:54:13.370

1I'm also a fan of ClipMenu. I have Command+Shift+V bound to bring up the menu. – Rob Dyson – 2012-05-22T19:24:17.587

Simple ? Are you kidding ? – Nicolas Barbulesco – 2013-10-20T08:40:54.443


The best I've found is Alfred, which has a phenomenal clipboard history functionality as part of its ($15) Powerpack. Among its features:

  1. Clearing history by time (e.g. 'keep only 7 days')
  2. Ignore apps (so text copied from Keychain, 1password, etc. isn't saved to the history)
  3. Snippets (for commonly pasted text)
  4. Clipboard merging (merge the current clipboard item with the previous)
  5. Max clipboard size (up to 'unlimited')

I bought it for other reasons, but I use the clipboard history every few minutes throughout my day, so for $15 it was a pretty big win.

Dan Udey

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 439


I was used to ClipMenu, because I need a list of history items visible I don't want to waste time browsing thru history. However ClipMenu was not updated for years now, and dropbox links don't work anymore. I was able to find backed-up dmg file on one Japanese website, but what eventually solved my problem is a clone of ClipMenu called Clipy

enter image description here

So you can download and install it manually or via brew cask

brew cask install clipy

Aleksandar Pavić

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 319

2Thank you for the brew version, it's just amazing! – DimaSan – 2018-11-12T00:48:45.733


I've tried them all and the best experience and best ongoing support has been from LaunchBar.

Best feature: 40-item clipboard history. It makes writing code so much easier.

LaunchBar Screenshot

Jason Robb

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 109


The perennial answer to OS X questions: Quicksilver

enter image description here

See these Quicksilver clipboard tutorials:

The Tentacle

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 4 621

2I find that any time I have the QS clipboard plugin enabled that almost every QS action becomes unbearably slow. – wfaulk – 2014-12-10T18:03:20.520

1+1 So hard to explain QS, impossible to live without it – trolle3000 – 2010-05-25T12:44:36.463

1this is amazing! – Pierre Spring – 2009-08-22T14:36:42.397

2Both the QS Shelf and Clipboard managers have been broken since Leopard came out. They will open continuously and annoyingly until you shut them off. – Brandon – 2011-09-25T20:35:32.190

3I don't know about Leopard, but on Mountain Lion Clipboard History works without a problem. – user664833 – 2012-10-14T18:50:47.990

Works on Mountain Lion for me... Copies text, links (as links), even images!

The docking/sticking to edges does not work well at all, however, esp. in a multimon setup. Top edge would work (albeit not predictably) if I wasn't using SecondBar. For now I'm just sticking to cmd+space,L to bring it up (you can hotkey it on its own I think via triggers, just don't want to). – notacouch – 2013-03-19T23:00:46.770


I wrote CmdVees to scratch my own itch.

It works like a stack. You can copy several items in sequence (like any clipboard manager) but when you hit Cmd-v, the pasted item is removed from the stack. LIFO. It may sounds weird, I guess it depends on how your brain works. For me is very natural.

It can be configured to work like a queue, FIFO, for the other brain model.

Also, it splits entries in history by time, hiding older items in a submenu:

enter image description here

To be honest I don't use the menu more than once in a while.

It has other goodies like joining items or swap top of the stack with selection.

It's a commercial app but feel free to ask me for a license if you fall in love with the trial and you can't afford it.


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 171

Yes, different brains work different ways. I often copy something and want to paste multiple instances of it.  Going back to the source and copying it again would be possible but tedious.  Does this software support my use case? – Scott – 2017-03-01T21:00:37.437

@Scott No, I considered it but couldn't resolve how to do it easily (just involving keyboard shortcuts). – djromero – 2017-03-02T11:50:13.513

Looks great - but website doesn't exist and other sites only offer Trial version. Good for 15 days if you're not on the US app store – Bysander – 2018-06-06T16:50:32.760

7A stack is not FIFO. – Nicolas Barbulesco – 2013-10-20T08:53:14.580

This supports LIFO and FIFO – circuitry – 2014-06-18T19:25:42.110


Alfred's Powerpack let's you view your clipboard history for up to three months! It's not free but well worth it as it is a launcher (among other things) which is actively under development.


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 111


Paste:clipboard history manager for your Mac

enter image description here


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 131

Best GUI clipboard manager by far, and the only modern option offered here (for 2016). – erquhart – 2016-10-06T18:35:14.557



Supports at least 2,000 items in the history. (I've tried even more, though it does start to slow down at some point; a function of both the maximum number and the maximum size per entry, I expect.)

This is extremely handy when you're constantly jumping between a whole bunch of different systems, and those shorter histories (in other apps) just keep rotating around and losing stuff.

BTW: Another feature is that you can select to promote an item up to the top of the history, when pasting that item - keep important stuff from dropping off the bottom.

And it supports multiple pastebuffers, processing of text (such as pasting unformatted, or all upper / lower case), searching the history, etc. - lots of features.

Marc Farnum Rendino

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 21

The link gives a Peugeot 404. – Nicolas Barbulesco – 2015-02-22T08:03:40.057


BetterTouchTool (a paid tool with a free trial) now has an integrated clipboard manager / clipboard history viewer:

This is a nice option if you're already using BetterTouchTool for other things, since it saves you from installing (yet?) another utility program. In addition to clipboard history, I'm currently using BetterTouchTool to:

  • Map buttons 4 and 5 on my mouse (the thumb buttons) to browser forward/back
  • Display the currently-playing iTunes track on my Mac's touch bar.

Jon Schneider

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 893


There is also a free one that allow me to view window from which I can drag and drop items from one long list. It's copypaste pro. Alfred also should do it.

Masster Universum

Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 1

Welcome to Super User.  Please see How do I recommend software in my answers?  In particular, at a bare minimum, say where to get the software.

– G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica' – 2015-06-14T21:51:30.757


Go to finder, at the top press the edit button and there should be 'show clipboard'. That will show everything you have copied from when you turned on your mac. It's inbuilt by the way.


Posted 2009-08-02T10:05:38.550

Reputation: 1

13It only shows the latest entry to me – mauhiz – 2016-01-03T01:20:04.473