Yesterday I was working on my laptop. Suddenly I noticed that the indicator light of the webcam was on, despite the fact that I wasn't making a video call or using the webcam in any other way at the moment.
It freaked me out.
It freaked me out that some unknown application on my computer was using my webcam without my permission, and possibly sending that video stream to god knows where on the Internet.
In the end, it turned out to be Skype which was in the process of crashing. (Despite me making no calls at the time.) So that story ended well.
But next time I see the webcam indicator light, I want to be ready. I want to be able to know exactly which app is using the webcam so I could destroy it.
Does anyone know how I can find out which app is using the webcam?
(I'm on Windows XP.)
1Rut Row. . . Malware spying on you!! – surfasb – 2011-09-13T17:45:04.963
Frankly, I'd consider putting a sticker over the webcam unless you're using it. There's been a few bad people taking advantage of webcams: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/09/sextortionist/
– Hand-E-Food – 2011-09-15T01:50:02.173