How can I allow non-administrators to use shutdown.exe?



As per the comments in the accepted answer to this question, I'm having issues running a scheduled task which calls shutdown.exe, even when the user is an administrator. I'm administrating someone else's machine using their main account, so I can't exactly change too much as they like things the way that they are.

What's really strange is that I can only make the task run if:

  1. The user is an administrator.
  2. They have defined a password.

For some strange reason unknown to me, not only does a user have to be an administrator, but they also must have a password on the account in order for the scheduled task to run. Otherwise, I get access denied errors and the task fails to run.

How can I make this work without having to force the user to define a password for their account?

Essentially, the remaining goal is to have the computer shut down (no matter who is or is not logged in) at 11pm every night.

I run into the following errors below when I try to set the task in the Scheduled Tasks program:

enter image description here

An error has occurred while attempting to set task account information.
The specific error is:
0x8007005: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to perform the requested operation.

For the record, here's my security policy, you can see that my user has the permission to force shutdown and manually shutdown the computer:

enter image description here

Naftuli Kay

Posted 2011-09-06T17:18:07.900

Reputation: 8 389

Is the scheduled task running on the machine you want to shut down, or remotely? Have you tried using psshutdown instead of shutdown? – Harry Johnston – 2011-09-06T23:04:51.093

Locally, haven't tried psshutdown. – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-06T23:05:58.957

1Windows requires a password for remote desktop and other network administration operations because it'd just be too big of a security hole to have it any other way. On top of that, many people would first blame Microsoft's poor security rather than their own negligence if they were hacked. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-09-06T23:27:25.200

Hmm. Well, Linux is normally pretty secure, and I can simply sudo crontab -e and add 0 23 * * * shutdown -P now. What could possibly be so hard for an administrator account on Windows to shut down the computer at a given time each day? – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-06T23:29:59.077

Unix root has absolute control. Windows Administrators do not; only SYSTEM does. (As you can see in your own screenshot, many privileges are assigned to Administrators just like a normal group, and can be revoked.) In a sense, Windows can be more secure -- most of its insecurity is caused by software bugs and by "first user is an administrator" default settings in XP and older. – user1686 – 2011-09-07T06:58:19.833

1@grawity: I don't think SYSTEM can hold any rights in the network domain. That just reinforces your conclusion: The Windows NT security model is safer (more robust) precisely because it's harder to gain all rights. Unix root is far too convenient, hence sudo – MSalters – 2011-09-08T13:46:44.170

@MSalters: No, it cannot, but a Domain Admin, like Administrator, has sufficient privileges to elevate themselves to SYSTEM when necessary, and domain-wide admin privileges cannot be revoked as easily.

– user1686 – 2011-09-08T18:33:55.120



The simplest solution would be to configure said scheduled task to run under an Administrator account. You do not need to use the same account as the usually-logged-on user – simply provide different credentials when creating the task.

If you do not want "Administrator" to have a password, you could just create a dedicated account just for the scheduled task. (A limited User account will work as well, if you apply the fix below.)

The shutdown.exe program needs SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege to run, instead of the usual SeShutdownPrivilege – my guess is that it uses the same RPC for shutting down both local and remote machines. (This would explain the need for a password, too – by default, only console logins are exempt, which obviously does not include RPC.)

You can grant SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege through secpol.mscLocal PoliciesUser Rights Assignment, by editing the "Force shutdown from remote system" entry.

  • You can create a dedicated account for the task and add it here (best choice).
  • For interactive command-line usage by any user, you can add INTERACTIVE.
  • For scheduled tasks by any user, add BATCH.


Posted 2011-09-06T17:18:07.900

Reputation: 283 655

1+1: dedicated account for scheduled task. GREAT answer. – surfasb – 2011-09-06T18:09:40.830

I tried to allow my user to do this by enabling INTERACTIVE, BATCH, and my user for that privilege, and now Windows won't get past the "welcome" screen, it just hangs :( – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-06T20:23:55.400

@TK: Strange, as the Welcome screen does not use that privilege for anything. Try logging in as another user, or through Safe Mode. If you manage to get in, check Event Log (eventvwr.msc). – user1686 – 2011-09-06T21:28:32.460

I can't get into any account. The welcome screen is displayed and nothing else. I have no visible options. – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-06T21:39:25.303

@TK: Even in safe mode? Also, try pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del twice on the welcome screen. – user1686 – 2011-09-06T21:42:05.187

Better, it boots now. However, it's still not working, see edit on question. – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-06T23:06:18.630

@TK: Rather unusual. I'd try checking with Process Monitor what exactly is returning "Access denied"... – user1686 – 2011-09-07T07:01:06.350

+1 This helped to solve a 'Using Windows Server 2012 as a workstation' problem. How do I turn off the computer as a user rather than an administrator? By adding the Users group to the 'Shut down the system' right! – Iain Samuel McLean Elder – 2012-11-01T00:55:53.537


I see you are still trying to schedule a task on an admin account without a password.

I'm banking on the fact that the only other setting that has to do with blank passwords is the "Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only"

Try that setting. It's under Security options, just underneath user right assignments.


Posted 2011-09-06T17:18:07.900

Reputation: 21 453


This is an easier solution:

If you want to allow only local users to run %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 0, grant the SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege to the group INTERACTIVE. Only local users are members of this group.

How to do it: Run secpol.msc. Open Security Settings \ Local Policies \ User Rights Assignment. Double-click Force shutdown from a remote system in the right pane. Click Add User or Group. Enter the name INTERACTIVE in the text box and click Check names, then click OK, and OK again.


Klaus Hartnegg

Posted 2011-09-06T17:18:07.900

Reputation: 51


There are some restrictions on creating tasks for accounts with blank passwords.

You can create a task which will run shutdown.exe, but you will need to set the "Do not store password" option. This is on Windows 7 SP1, if you are using a different OS please let us know.

Create Task Window

For Windows XP, use the command line AT tool:

at 23:00 /every:monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday shutdown /s

Harry Johnston

Posted 2011-09-06T17:18:07.900

Reputation: 5 054

On Windows XP, sorry. I just updated the question tags to reflect this. – Naftuli Kay – 2011-09-07T04:13:14.083

Answer updated accordingly. – Harry Johnston – 2011-09-07T08:09:22.727