I have a date field in a Word document which was created from a template included with Microsoft Word 2010. The default setting for this field is to display only two places of the current year.
I would like to change it to display the complete year number. I found the "Date and Time" dialog as shown, but it doesn't include this formatting option (strangely, it neither includes the two-place year option).
How can I add a custom date format for this text field?
What is your operating system? – wizlog – 2011-09-01T15:01:08.757
+1 for trying to use a 4-digit year (everyone should be striving for this because 2-digit years can be particularly confusing now during the last 12 years). My favourite short date format is YYYY-Mmm-DD which, for today, shows as 2011-Sep-01, because there is absolutely no mistaking what each element means (although it is English-specific, so my second choice would be to use largest-to-smallest ordering {as is also done with time} in the numeric form of YYYY-MM-DD: 2011-09-01). – Randolf Richardson – 2011-09-01T15:48:24.147
@wizlog: I'm on Windows Vista, but that has nothing to do with the Word-internal list of date formats. The mentioned "default setting" for the text field is specified in the template. I guess the easiest way to change the format is to unzip the docx file, find the XML source code specifying the textbox properties, editing those and zipping everything up again. Let's see. – Felix Dombek – 2011-09-01T18:12:31.877