what is the @ after the permissions for in ls -l on a mac?



Possible Duplicate:
ls -la symbolics… what does that last symbol mean?

Consider the following output from ls -l on OS X 10.5.8

drwxr-xr-x   3 user  staff    102 Aug 26 20:21 downloads
drwxrwxrwx@ 10 user  staff    340 Aug 26 20:12 images

Can anybody tell me what the @ represents at the end of the permissions section, and also how to disable/enable it. I guess this this has something to do with the directory listing permissions, as when I'm running a PHP script in Apache that needs to access a folder without the @ bit set, it doesn't list the directory contents.


Constant M

Posted 2009-08-26T20:01:54.280


Question was closed 2010-07-14T18:21:21.407

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