How do I get applescript to work with Preview in Snow Leopard?


How do I get applescript to work with Preview in Snow Leopard? I'd like, for instance, my applescript for resizing a window to full screen (which works for most applications (e.g., chrome)) to work for preview.

In old versions of OS X (as ghoppe points out), one can enable this by typing

defaults write /Applications/ NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool YES

into a terminal. This doesn't seem to work in Snow Leopard.

David Zureick-Brown

Posted 2010-06-22T21:55:12.050

Reputation: 605

2Please be more precise – radius – 2010-06-22T22:00:19.280

1Agreed with @radius. What does this question mean? What exactly is your problem? – ghoppe – 2010-06-22T22:18:38.803

You should describe with more details what you are trying to do. – kiamlaluno – 2010-06-23T01:46:24.947

I edited it to be more precise. – David Zureick-Brown – 2010-06-23T15:49:09.307



Does this help? Preview is not really that scriptable.

For what it's worth, Automator can do image manipulation more easily, it also has some PDF actions.

If you're wanting to do image manipulation with Applescript, what you're really looking for is Image Events, not Preview.


Posted 2010-06-22T21:55:12.050

Reputation: 6 124