How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?



How can I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin for Windows? The plugin seems to have been difficult to install in the past, and Notepad++ does not currently have integrated plugin management in the GUI.

(I no longer use the Notepad++ Hex-Editor, although I am using Notepad++ itself more and more. The Hex-Editor does not include undo support, which is a deal-breaker for me. Instead, I use HxD, which is both powerful and beginner-friendly.)

JosiahYoder-deactive except..

Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 584

I am using Hex-Editor plugin, and Notepad++ always disable it when upgrading. It's because, in some cases, it display wrong values. You have been warned – Jimbot – 2018-12-05T14:02:18.900

Thanks. HxD looks like an excellent replacement until Hex-Editor is repaired.

– Laurie Stearn – 2019-01-22T05:44:36.863

I recommend accepting @Ogglas' answer. – Jeff – 2019-04-19T19:19:18.747




A lot of down votes for my answer and up votes for comment that HEX-Editor is no longer available. This us not the case, you are probably using 64-bit x64 Notepad++, install 32-bit x86 and you will have it available. Tested with Notepad++ 7.8.2 32-bit 2020-01.12.

HEX-Editor source files:

If you want to use Notepad++ 64-bit you could try this unofficial repo:


As of 13 Nov 2018 Plugins Admin is included in the notepad++ installer by default. Select the tab Plugins and click on Plugins Admin... then scroll down or search for HEX-Editor.

By the request of community, a built-in Plugins Admin is available in Notepad++ v.7.6.

enter image description here


Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 920


I have Notepad++ v7.7.1, but there is no Hex-Editor plugin available in the Plugins Admin. f0dder's URL in your screenshot ( does not exist anymore, and the plugins download on f0dder's current site ( does not include Hex-Editor.

– Remy Lebeau – 2019-06-26T23:51:57.367

I confirm that the unofficial plugin at works. Thank you

– Alex Poca – 2020-02-20T08:35:18.677


The Hex-Editor recommended here only works for the 32-bit version of Notepad++. Please see Ian's answer or another answer for a solution which works with a 64-bit version. I personally use HxD instead of a Notepad++ hexeditor because I'm not aware of a Notepad++ hexeditor which supports undo, which is a critical feature for me.

First, install Notepad++. I recommend installing the 64-bit version unless you have a VERY old machine. To find it, scroll down past the 32-bit version. If you know of a better link to the 64-bit version, please suggest it in the comments.

Next, download the latest HexEditor .dll plugin. I downloaded Do not click the big green download button (HTMLTag_plugin or etc) -- that's an ad and could be some app that's nearly impossible to get rid of.

Finally, open the zip file, select the HexEditor.dll file and place it in the folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\HexEditor

if you installed the 32-bit version of Notepad++ and

C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\HexEditor

if you installed the 64-bit version. (For older versions of Notepad++, omit the HexEditor folder)

To test if your install was successful, restart Notepad++, and you should see a menu option Plugins -> Hex-Editor -> View in Hex. This will toggle whether you are viewing the file in hex.

The Notepad++ hex editor does not have to undo support, so I no longer use it. (I am still using Notepad++ itself.) Instead, I use HxD, which is both powerful and beginner-friendly.

Thanks to Bálint and momolang momo for pointing out the need for the HexEditor folder in newer versions.

JosiahYoder-deactive except..

Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 584

HxD was a great tip. Easy to install and use. – Casper – 2018-11-30T09:33:25.690

4The downloadable binary for the plugin seems to only work with 32bit - my 64bit NPP refused to load the plugin saying that it's incompatible because it's 32bit. – ChrisWue – 2019-02-07T01:54:52.027

momolang suggests that it must also go within a folder called "HexEditor". I have not confirmed this. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-05-17T14:31:28.893

1@JosiahYoder Just confirmed it for you. It wouldn't load without placing it inside a folder with the same name. – Bálint – 2019-05-18T00:34:43.147

@Bálint Thank you. I've edited the question accordingly. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-05-18T19:11:39.540

"which looks like a dead-end to me' -- it's an ad – jcollum – 2019-10-18T01:49:04.987

2-1, this only works for 32bit Notepad++, which is very outdated – jcollum – 2019-10-18T01:52:35.253

@jcollum Thanks for leaving a comment on how the post can be improved. However, it already gives instructions for both the 32 and 64 bit versions. Could you check again? – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-10-23T21:00:29.823

The first url does not have a 64 bit version – jcollum – 2019-10-23T21:01:58.613

It appears to have a 64 bit version to me. If you know of a better URL, please suggest one.

– JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-10-26T20:44:47.190

The first url does not have a 64 bit version. The first url. Not the one you just linked. – jcollum – 2019-11-20T00:43:38.220

@jcollum The first URL links directly to the URL I linked above. I can't find any prominent links from the first URL that take you ONLY to the 32-bit version, although admittedly, the 32-bit version does come first. If you can suggest a better URL, please do so. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-11-23T19:10:47.013

@jcollum I have edited the page to make it clearer how to find the 64 bit version. Your specific edit suggestions are most welcome! – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-11-23T19:16:54.193

1@JosiahYoder The problem is not NPP, the problem is that the HexEditor plugin is only 32bit and therefore can't be loaded by x64 NPP. – Ian Kemp – 2019-12-09T10:30:33.637

@IanKemp Thank you. I added a comment to clarify this from the start. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-12-10T17:24:46.947


Notepad++ does not have integrated plugin management in the GUI.


  • The Plugin Manager was removed from Notepad++ 7.5 because of sponsored advertising (see the second screenshot in the answer), although it will still be there if you upgraded from an older version of Notepad++.

    You may notice that Plugin Manager plugin has been removed from the official distribution. The reason is Plugin Manager contains the advertising in its dialog. I hate Ads in applications, and I ensure you that there was no, and there will never be Ads in Notepad++. A built-in Plugin Manager is in progress, and I will do my best to ship it with Notepad++ ASAP.

  • This is currently being worked on (the maintainer of the plugin and the plugin list will be integrating free hosting into the plugin manager to get rid of the advertising)

  • In the meantime you can install it manually (download here).

It is advised to still use the Plugin Manager (as this manages updating of your installed plugins)

  1. Click Menu > Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager

    enter image description here

  2. This now shows a list of available plugins, including Hex-Editor:

    enter image description here

  3. Select the Hex-Editor plugin and then click Install.

    enter image description here


Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 118 938

1I do not see that menu option. I have a "Plugins" menu, but no "Plugin Manager" sub-menu. I'm using Notepad++ v7.5.6 32 bit. Could the plugin manager itself be a plugin? – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2018-05-23T15:28:58.297

Indeed it is now, I didn't realise. See updated answer. – DavidPostill – 2018-05-23T17:39:23.533

6Perhaps things have changed since May, but HEX-editor is no longer in the list of available plugins in the plugin manager. (edit: this might be because I'm running 64-bit npp) – csauve – 2018-08-30T18:34:57.433

2@csauve Could be. I'm running 32bit notepad++ – DavidPostill – 2018-08-30T19:24:43.267


@csauve I found a 64-bit version on GitHub: NPP HexEdit. Just download the version.

– Mr. Polywhirl – 2018-09-18T23:56:05.797


As of 2019, the original HexEditor plugin for Notepad++ has been abandoned for a decade. The source and 32-bit binary of version 0.9.5 is available on SourceForge, but this isn't helpful for users of 64-bit NPP (probably the majority nowadays).

Thankfully there are various forks of the original HexEditor source code available on GitHub, and one of them has prebuilt x64 binaries available for download:

Download from the above link, create the directory %ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins\HexEditor, extract the downloaded HexEditor.dll into that directory, and restart NPP.

Ian Kemp

Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 471


This is the right answer, and the right path to put the plugin once downloaded.

– not2qubit – 2020-01-11T12:05:15.673


If the solutions above do not work, try the following:

  1. Get the correct DLL from this folder (you're probably on 64bit Windows if you aren't sure)

  2. Open the following folder (insert your username):

    C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Local\Notepad++\plugins
  3. Create a subfolder HexEditor

  4. Copy the HexEditor.dll file into this subfolder. Windows will probably request permission to do this.

  5. Restart Notepad++

This worked for me on Notepad++ 7.6 32bit

Martin Evans

Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 151

1This is the simplest answer that worked for me on Notepad v7.7.1 – jcollum – 2019-10-18T01:55:06.750

This works for me too (Notepad++ v7.8.1 64-bit)... – aschipfl – 2019-12-01T19:11:10.343

Why are you using a user AppData path and not the %ProgramFiles%? – not2qubit – 2020-01-11T12:06:49.447

I seem to remember it related to how Notepad++ was originally installed, i.e single user or all users. On my machine, that folder contained other related files. – Martin Evans – 2020-01-11T14:44:33.980


  1. Extract dll file from zip after downloading from
  2. Have Notepad++ open, Click settings->Import->Import Plugin(s)...
  3. Select the dll file needs to be import
  4. Close Notepad++ and reopen
  5. The Hex-Editor will show under plugins


Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 21


Adding HexEditor.dll to AppData does not work for me. But by create a C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\HexEditor and put the dll into it, then it work fine for me.

I am using Npp v7.6.6 (64-bit) on window 10

Momolang momo

Posted 2018-05-19T16:47:55.227

Reputation: 7

1This solution was suggested a year ago. – Ramhound – 2019-05-17T03:18:17.853

oh really? I did not see it on this thread. Anyway hope it work for others. – Momolang momo – 2019-05-17T03:20:35.683

It was submitted on May 19 2018. – Ramhound – 2019-05-17T03:21:26.597

As i mentioned it does not work for me with that approach. I need to create a "HexEditor" inside the plugins directory to make it work. – Momolang momo – 2019-05-17T03:30:38.470

1This suggested exactly that. – Ramhound – 2019-05-17T03:44:41.110

@Momolangmomo, I think what you are adding is that there should be a "HexEditor" folder within the "plugins" folder. I don't know if this is true, but it might be useful to someone else. When you have enough reputation to comment, this is the sort of thing you should write as a comment on the existing answer. Until that time, I recommend linking to the answer you are improving on by clicking the "share" link. – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-05-17T14:30:19.180

This question did make a contribution to my answer above. Thank you, momolang momo! – JosiahYoder-deactive except.. – 2019-05-18T19:12:43.557

Lol. I am must be overlook of post#10. Thank for correcting it. – Momolang momo – 2019-05-21T03:22:07.950